@database 4E_BLACK.guide @author "Tom de Ruyter" @$VER: MTG.guide 1.6 (19.6.96) @node MAIN "Fourth Edition - Black Cards" @{" " link MTG_CARD_LISTS.guide/CL_4E} @{b}Fourth Edition - Black Cards@{ub} @{" Abomination " link LG_BLACK.guide/ABOMI} @{" Animate Dead " link ANIMA} @{" Ashes to Ashes " link DK_BLACK.guide/ASHES} @{" Bad Moon " link BADMO} @{" Black Knight " link BLKNI} @{" Blight " link LG_BLACK.guide/BLIGH} @{" Bog Imp " link DK_BLACK.guide/BOGIM} @{" Bog Wraith " link BOGWR} @{" Carrion Ants " link LG_BLACK.guide/CARRI} @{" Cosmic Horror " link LG_BLACK.guide/COSMI} @{" Cursed Land " link CURSE} @{" Cyclopean Mummy " link LG_BLACK.guide/CYCLO} @{" Dark Ritual " link DRITU} @{" Deathgrip " link DEGRI} @{" Deathlace " link DELAC} @{" Drain Life " link DRLIF} @{" Drudge Skeletons " link DRUDG} @{" El-Hajjaj " link AN_BLACK.guide/ELHAJ} @{" Erg Raiders " link AN_BLACK.guide/ERGRA} @{" Evil Presence " link EVILP} @{" Fear " link FEAR_} @{" Frozen Shade " link FROZE} @{" Gloom " link GLOOM} @{" Greed " link LG_BLACK.guide/GREED} @{" Howl from Beyond " link HOWLF} @{" Hypnotic Specter " link HYPNO} @{" Junun Efreet " link AN_BLACK.guide/JUNUN} @{" Lord of the Pit " link LORDO} @{" Lost Soul " link LG_BLACK.guide/LOSTS} @{" Marsh Gas " link DK_BLACK.guide/MARSH} @{" Mind Twist " link MINDT} @{" Murk Dwellers " link DK_BLACK.guide/MURKD} @{" Nether Shadow " link NETHE} @{" Nightmare " link NIGHT} @{" Paralyze " link PARAL} @{" Pestilence " link PESTI} @{" Pit Scorpion " link LG_BLACK.guide/PITSC} @{" Plague Rats " link PLAGU} @{" Rag Man " link DK_BLACK.guide/RAGMA} @{" Raise Dead " link RAISE} @{" Royal Assassin " link ROYAL} @{" Scathe Zombies " link SCATH} @{" Scavenging Ghoul " link SCAVE} @{" Sengir Vampire " link SENGI} @{" Simulacrum " link SIMUL} @{" Sorceress Queen " link AN_BLACK.guide/SORCE} @{" Spirit Shackle " link LG_BLACK.guide/SPIRI} @{" Terror " link TERRO} @{" Uncle Istvan " link DK_BLACK.guide/UNCLE} @{" Unholy Strength " link UNHOL} @{" Vampire Bats " link LG_BLACK.guide/VAMPI} @{" Wall of Bone " link WALLO} @{" Warp Artifact " link WARPA} @{" Weakness " link WEAKN} @{" Will-O-The-Wisp " link WILLO} @{" Word of Binding " link DK_BLACK.guide/WORDO} @{" Xenic Poltergeist " link AQ_BLACK.guide/XENIC} @{" Zombie Master " link ZOMBI} @endnode @node ANIMA "Animate Dead" @{b}Animate Dead@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(U) / RV(U) / 4E(U) Type = Enchant Dead Creature Cost = 1B Artist = Anson Maddocks Print run = A(4,500) / B(13,500) / UL(68,000) / RV(1,012,000) / 4E(1,060,500) Text(4E): Take target creature from any graveyard and put it directly into play under your control with -1/-0. Treat this creature as though it were just summoned. If Animate Dead is removed, bury the creature in its owner's graveyard. Text(RV): Any creature in any graveyard comes into play on your side with -1 to its original power. At end of game, or if this enchantment is discarded without removing target creature from play, target creature is returned to its owner's graveyard. Target creature may be killed as normal. Text(UL): Any creature in either player's graveyard comes into play on your side with -1 to its original power. If this enchantment is removed, or at end of game, target creature is returned to its owner's graveyard. Target creature may be killed as normal. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_A.guide/ADEAD} @endnode @node BADMO "Bad Moon" @{b}Bad Moon@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(R) / RV(R) / 4E(R) Type = Enchantment Cost = 1B Artist = Jesper Myrfors Print run = A(1,100) / B(3,200) / UL(18,500) / RV(289,000) / 4E(353,500) Text(4E): All black creatures get +1/+1. Text(RV): All black creatures gain +1/+1. Text(UL): All black creatures gain +1/+1 @{b}NO RULINGS@{ub} @endnode @node BLKNI "Black Knight" @{b}Black Knight@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(U) / RV(U) / 4E(U) Type = Summon Knight (2/2) Cost = BB Artist = Jeff A. Menges Print run = A(4,500) / B(13,500) / UL(68,000) / RV(1,012,000) / 4E(1,060,500) Text(4E): Protection from white, First strike Text(RV): Protection from white, First strike Text(UL): Protection from white, First strike Flavor Text: @{i}Battle doesn't need a purpose; the battle is its own purpose. You don't ask why a plague spreads or a field burns. Don't ask why I fight.@{ui} @{b}NO RULINGS@{ub} @endnode @node BOGWR "Bog Wraith" @{b}Bog Wraith@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(U) / RV(U) / 4E(U) Type = Summon Wraith (3/3) Cost = 3B Artist = Jeff A. Menges Print run = A(4,500) / B(13,500) / UL(68,000) / RV(1,012,000) / 4E(1,060,500) Text(4E): Swampwalk Text(RV): Swampwalk Text(UL): Swampwalk Flavor Text: @{i}'Twas in the bogs of Cannelbrae My mate did meet an early grave 'Twas nothing left for us to save In the peat-filled bogs of Cannelbrae.@{ui} @{b}NO RULINGS@{ub} @endnode @node CURSE "Cursed Land" @{b}Cursed Land@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(U) / RV(U) / 4E(U) Type = Enchant Land Cost = 2BB Artist = Jesper Myrfors Print run = A(4,500) / B(13,500) / UL(68,000) / RV(1,012,000) / 4E(1,060,500) Text(4E): Cursed Land deals 1 damage to target land's controller during his or her upkeep. Text(RV): Cursed Land does 1 damage to target land's controller during his or her upkeep. Text(UL): Cursed Land does 1 damage to target land's controller during each upkeep. @{b}NO RULINGS@{ub} @endnode @node DRITU "Dark Ritual" @{b}Dark Ritual@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(C) / RV(C) / 4E(C) / IA(C) Type = Interrupt Cost = B Artist = Sandra Everingham (A/B/UL/RV/4E) / Justin Hampton (IA) Print run = A(16,000) / B(48,000) / UL(244,500) / RV(3,657,000) / 4E(3,600,000) IA(2,047,000) @{b}NOTE@{ub}: The Ice Age card has different artwork. It also had Flavor Text added to the card's text. Text(IA): Add to your mana pool. Text(4E): Add to your mana pool. Text(RV): Add to your mana pool. Text(UL): Add three black mana to your mana pool. Flavor Text: @{i}"Leshrac, my liege, grant me the power I am due." ---Lim-Dul, the Necromancer@{ui} @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_D.guide/DRITU} @endnode @node DEGRI "Deathgrip" @{b}Deathgrip@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(U) / RV(U) / 4E(U) Type = Enchantment Cost = BB Artist = Anson Maddocks Print run = A(4,500) / B(13,500) / UL(68,000) / RV(1,012,000) / 4E(1,060,500) Text(4E): : Counter target green spell. Play this ability as an interrupt. Text(RV): : Counter a green spell as it is being cast. This ability is played as an interrupt, and does not affect green cards already in play. Text(UL): : Destroy a green spell as it is being cast. This action may be played as an interrupt, and does not affect green cards already in play. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_D.guide/DGRIP} @endnode @node DELAC "Deathlace" @{b}Deathlace@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(R) / RV(R) / 4E(R) Type = Interrupt Cost = B Artist = Sandra Everingham Print run = A(1,100) / B(3,200) / UL(18,500) / RV(289,000) / 4E(353,500) Text(4E): Change the color of target spell or target permanent to black. Costs to cast, tap, maintain, or use a special ability of target remain unchanged. Text(RV): Changes the color of one card either being played or already in play to black. Cost to cast, tap, maintain, or use a special ability of target card remains entirely unchanged. Text(UL): Changes the color of one card either being played or already in play to black. Cost to cast, tap, maintain, or use a special ability of target card remains entirely unchanged. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_D.guide/DLACE} @endnode @node DRLIF "Drain Life" @{b}Drain Life@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(C) / RV(C) / 4E(C) Type = Sorcery Cost = 1B Artist = Douglas Shuler Print run = A(16,000) / B(48,000) / UL(244,500) / RV(3,657,000) / 4E(3,600,000) Text(4E): Drain Life deals 1 damage to a target creature or player for each that you pay in addition to the casting cost. You then gain 1 life for each 1 damage dealt. You cannot gain more life than the toughness of the creature or the total life of the player Drain Life damages. Text(RV): Drain Life does 1 damage to a single target for each spent in addition to the casting cost. Caster gains 1 life for each damage inflicted. If you drain life from a creature, you cannot gain more life than the creature's current toughness. Text(UL): Drain Life does 1 damage to a single target for each spent in addition to the casting cost. Caster gains 1 life for each damage inflicted. If you drain life from a creature, you cannot gain more life than the creature's toughness. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_D.guide/DLIFE} @endnode @node DRUDG "Drudge Skeletons" @{b}Drudge Skeletons@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(C) / RV(C) / 4E(C) Type = Summon Skeletons (1/1) Cost = 1B Artist = Sandra Everingham Print run = A(16,000) / B(48,000) / UL(244,500) / RV(3,657,000) / 4E(3,600,000) Text(4E): : Regenerate Text(RV): : Regenerates Text(UL): : Regenerates Flavor Text: @{i}Bones scattered around us joined to form misshapen bodies. We struck at them repeatedly - they fell, but soon formed again, with the same mocking look on their faceless skulls.@{ui} @{b}NO RULINGS@{ub} @endnode @node EVILP "Evil Presence" @{b}Evil Presence@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(U) / RV(U) / 4E(U) Type = Enchant Land Cost = B Artist = Sandra Everingham Print run = A(4,500) / B(13,500) / UL(68,000) / RV(1,012,000) / 4E(1,060,500) Text(4E): Target land becomes a basic swamp. Text(RV): Target land is now a basic swamp. Text(UL): Target land is now a swamp. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_E.guide/EVPRE} @endnode @node FEAR_ "Fear" @{b}Fear@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(C) / RV(C) / 4E(C) / IA(C) Type = Enchant Creature Cost = BB Artist = Mark Poole (A/B/UL/RV/4E) / Rick Emond (IA) Print run = A(16,000) / B(48,000) / UL(244,500) / RV(3,657,000) / 4E(3,600,000) IA(2,047,000) @{b}NOTE@{ub}: The Ice Age card has different artwork. It also had Flavor Text added to the card's text. Text(IA): Target creature cannot be blocked except by artifact creatures or black creatures. Text(4E): Target creature cannot be blocked except by black creatures and artifact creatures. Text(RV): Target creature cannot be blocked by any creatures except black creatures and artifact creatures. Text(UL): Target creature cannot be blocked by any creatures other than artifact creatures and black creatures. Flavor Text: @{i}"Even the bravest of warriors yet knows the dark clutch of fright upon his stalwart heart." ---Lim-Dul, the Necromancer@{ui} @{b}NO RULINGS@{ub} @endnode @node FROZE "Frozen Shade" @{b}Frozen Shade@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(C) / RV(C) / 4E(C) Type = Summon Shade (0/1) Cost = 2B Artist = Douglas Shuler Print run = A(16,000) / B(48,000) / UL(244,500) / RV(3,657,000) / 4E(3,600,000) Text(4E): : +1/+1 until end of turn. Text(RV): : +1/+1 Text(UL): : +1/+1 Flavor Text: @{i}"There are some qualities - some incorporate things, That have a double life, which thus is made A type of twin entity which springs From matter and light, evinced in solid and shade." ---Edgar Allan Poe, "Silence"@{ui} @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_F.guide/FROZE} @endnode @node GLOOM "Gloom" @{b}Gloom@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(U) / RV(U) / 4E(U) Type = Enchantment Cost = 2B Artist = Dan Frazier Print run = A(4,500) / B(13,500) / UL(68,000) / RV(1,012,000) / 4E(1,060,500) Text(4E): White spells cost an additional <3> to cast. White enchantments with activation costs require an additional <3> to use. Text(RV): White spells cost 3 more mana to cast. White enchantments with activation costs require 3 more mana to use. Text(UL): White spells cost 3 more mana to cast. Circles of Protection cost 3 more mana to use. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_G.guide/GLOOM} @endnode @node HOWLF "Howl from Beyond" @{b}Howl from Beyond@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(C) / RV(C) / 4E(C) / IA(C) Type = Instant Cost = XB Artist = Mark Poole (A/B/UL/RV/4E) / Mark Poole (IA) Print run = A(16,000) / B(48,000) / UL(244,500) / RV(3,657,000) / 4E(3,600,000) IA(2,047,000) @{b}NOTE@{ub}: The Ice Age card has different artwork. It also had Flavor Text added to the card's text. Text(IA): Target creature gets +X/+0 until end of turn. Text(4E): Target creature gets +X/+0 until end of turn. Text(RV): Target creature gains +X/+0 until end of turn. Text(UL): Target creature gains +X/+0 until end of turn. Flavor Text: @{i}"From the mouths of my servants, my voice shall emers to shake the souls of my foes." ---Lim-Dul, the Necromancer@{ui} @{b}NO RULINGS@{ub} @endnode @node HYPNO "Hypnotic Specter" @{b}Hypnotic Specter@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(U) / RV(U) / 4E(U) Type = Summon Specter (2/2) Cost = 1BB Artist = Douglas Shuler Print run = A(4,500) / B(13,500) / UL(68,000) / RV(1,012,000) / 4E(1,060,500) Text(4E): Flying. An opponent damaged by Specter discards a card at random from his or her hand. Ignore this effect if opponent has no cards in hand. Text(RV): Flying. An opponent damaged by Specter must discard a card at random from his or her hand. Ignore this effect if opponent has no cards left in hand. Text(UL): Flying. An opponent damaged by Specter must discard a card at random from his or her hand. Ignore this effect if opponent has no cards left in hand. Flavor Text: @{i}"...There was no trace Of aught on that illumined face..." ---Samuel Coleridge, "Phantom"@{ui} @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_H.guide/HYPNO} @endnode @node LORDO "Lord of the Pit" @{b}Lord of the Pit@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(R) / RV(R) / 4E(R) Type = Summon Demon (7/7) Cost = 4BBB Artist = Mark Tedin Print run = A(1,100) / B(3,200) / UL(18,500) / RV(289,000) / 4E(353,500) Text(4E): Flying, trample During your upkeep, sacrifice a creature. If you cannot sacrifice a creature, Lord of the Pit deals 7 damage to you. You cannot sacrifice Lord of the Pit to itself. Text(RV): Flying, trample You must sacrifice one of your own creatures during your upkeep or Lord of the Pit does 7 damage to you. You may still attack with Lord of the Pit even if you failed to sacrifice a creature. Lord of the Pit may not be sacrificed to itself. Text(UL): Flying, trample You must sacrifice one of your own creatures during upkeep or Lord of the Pit does 7 damage to you. You may still attack with Lord of the Pit even if you failed to sacrifice a creature. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_L.guide/LOPIT} @endnode @node MINDT "Mind Twist" @{b}Mind Twist@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(R) / RV(R) / 4E(R) Type = Sorcery Cost = XB Artist = Julie Baroh Print run = A(1,100) / B(3,200) / UL(18,500) / RV(289,000) / 4E(353,500) Text(4E): Target player discards X cards at random from his or har hand. If that player does not have enough cards, his or her entire hand is discarded. Text(RV): Opponent must discard X cards at random from hand. If opponent doesn't have enough cards in hand, entire hand is discarded. Text(UL): Opponent must discard X cards at random from hand. If opponent doesn't have enough cards in hand, entire hand is discarded. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_M.guide/MINDT} @endnode @node NETHE "Nether Shadow" @{b}Nether Shadow@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(R) / RV(R) / 4E(R) Type = Summon Shadow (1/1) Cost = BB Artist = Christopher Rush Print run = A(1,100) / B(3,200) / UL(18,500) / RV(289,000) / 4E(353,500) Text(4E): At the end of your upkeep, if Shadow is in your graveyard with at least 3 creature cards above it, you may return it to play. Shadow can attack the turn it comes into play. Text(RV): If Shadow is in graveyard with any combination of cards above it that includes at least three creatures, it can be returned to play during your upkeep. Shadow can attack on same turn summoned or returned to play. Text(UL): If Shadow is in graveyard with any combination of cards above it that includes at least three creatures, it can be returned to play during your upkeep for its normal casting cost. Shadow can attack on same turn summoned or returned to play. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_N.guide/NETSH} @endnode @node NIGHT "Nightmare" @{b}Nightmare@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(R) / RV(R) / 4E(R) Type = Summon Nightmare (*/*) Cost = 5B Artist = Melissa Benson Print run = A(1,100) / B(3,200) / UL(18,500) / RV(289,000) / 4E(353,500) Text(4E): Flying Nightmare has power and toughness each equal the number of swamps its controller controls. Text(RV): Flying Nightmare's power and toughness both equal the number of swamps its controller has in play. Text(UL): Flying Nightmare's power and toughness both equal the number of swamps its controller has in play. Flavor Text: @{i}The Nightmare arises from its lair in the swamps. As the poisoned land spreads, so does the Nightmare's rage and terrifying strength.@{ui} @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_N.guide/NIGMA} @endnode @node PARAL "Paralyze" @{b}Paralyze@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(C) / RV(C) / 4E(C) Type = Enchant Creature Cost = B Artist = Anson Maddocks Print run = A(16,000) / B(48,000) / UL(244,500) / RV(3,657,000) / 4E(3,600,000) Text(4E): Target creature does not untap during its controller's untap phase. That player may pay an additional <4> during his or her upkeep to untap it. Tap target creature when Paralyze comes into play. Text(RV): Target creature is not untapped as normal during untap phase. Creature's controller may spend <4> to untap during his or her upkeep to untap it. Tap target creature when Paralyze is cast. Text(UL): Target creature is not untapped as normal during untap phase unless 4 mana are spent. Tap target creature when Paralyze is cast. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_P.guide/PARAL} @endnode @node PESTI "Pestilence" @{b}Pestilence@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(C) / RV(C) / 4E(C) Type = Enchantment Cost = 2BB Artist = Jesper Myrfors Print run = A(16,000) / B(48,000) / UL(244,500) / RV(3,657,000) / 4E(3,600,000) Text(4E): At the end of any turn, if there are no creatures in play, bury Pestilence. : Pestilence deals 1 damage to all creatures and players. Text(RV): : Do 1 damage to each creature and to both players. If there are no creatures in play at the end of any turn, Pestilence must be discarded. Text(UL): : Do 1 damage to each creature and to both players. Pestilence must be discarded at end of any turn in which there are no creatures in play at end of turn. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_P.guide/PESTI} @endnode @node PLAGU "Plague Rats" @{b}Plague Rats@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(C) / RV(C) / 4E(C) Type = Summon Rats (*/*) Cost = 2B Artist = Anson Maddocks Print run = A(16,000) / B(48,000) / UL(244,500) / RV(3,657,000) / 4E(3,600,000) Text(4E): Plague Rats has power and toughness each equal to the number of Plague Rats in play, no matter who controls them. For example, if there are two Plague Rats in play, each has power and toughness 2/2. Text(RV): The *s below are the number of Plague Rats in play, counting both sides. Thus if there are two Plague Rats in play, each has power and toughness 2/2. Text(UL): The Xs below are the number of Plague Rats in play, counting both sides. Thus if there are 2 Plague Rats in play, each has power and toughness 2/2. Flavor Text: @{i}During the dark times, the rats seemed to grow ever stronger.@{ui} @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_P.guide/PLAGU} @endnode @node RAISE "Raise Dead" @{b}Raise Dead@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(C) / RV(C) / 4E(C) Type = Sorcery Cost = B Artist = Jeff A. Menges Print run = A(16,000) / B(48,000) / UL(244,500) / RV(3,657,000) / 4E(3,600,000) Text(4E): Take target creature from your graveyard and put it into your hand. Text(RV): Bring one creature from your graveyard to your hand. Text(UL): Return creature from your graveyard to your hand. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_R.guide/RAISE} @endnode @node ROYAL "Royal Assassin" @{b}Royal Assassin@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(R) / RV(R) / 4E(R) Type = Summon Assassin (1/1) Cost = 1BB Artist = Tom Wanerstrand Print run = A(1,100) / B(3,200) / UL(18,500) / RV(289,000) / 4E(353,500) Text(4E): : Destroy target tapped creature. Text(RV): : Destroy a tapped creature. Text(UL): : Destroy a tapped creature. Flavor Text: @{i}Trained in the arts of stealth, the royal assassins choose their victims carefully, relying on timing and precision rather than brute force.@{ui} @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_R.guide/ROYAL} @endnode @node SCATH "Scathe Zombies" @{b}Scathe Zombies@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(C) / RV(C) / 4E(C) Type = Summon Zombies (2/2) Cost = 2B Artist = Jesper Myrfors Print run = A(16,000) / B(48,000) / UL(244,500) / RV(3,657,000) / 4E(3,600,000) Flavor Text: @{i}"They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spake, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise." ---Samuel Coleridge, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"@{ui} @{b}NO RULINGS@{ub} @endnode @node SCAVE "Scavenging Ghoul" @{b}Scavenging Ghoul@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(U) / RV(U) / 4E(U) Type = Summon Ghoul (2/2) Cost = 3B Artist = Jeff A. Menges Print run = A(4,500) / B(13,500) / UL(68,000) / RV(1,012,000) / 4E(1,060,500) Text(4E): At the end of each turn, put a corpse counter on Scavenging Ghoul for each creature put into the graveyard during that turn. <0>: Remove a corpse counter from Scavenging Ghoul to regenerate it. Text(RV): At the end of each turn, put one counter on Ghoul for each other creature that was placed in the graveyard during the turn. If Ghoul takes lethal damage you may use a counter to regenerate it; counters remain until used. Text(UL): At the end of each turn, put one counter on Ghoul for each other creature that was destroyed without regenerating during the turn. If Ghoul dies you may use a counter to regenerate it; counters remain until used. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_S.guide/SCAVG} @endnode @node SENGI "Sengir Vampire" @{b}Sengir Vampire@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(U) / RV(U) / 4E(U) Type = Summon Vampire (4/4) Cost = 3BB Artist = Anson Maddocks Print run = A(4,500) / B(13,500) / UL(68,000) / RV(1,012,000) / 4E(1,060,500) Text(4E): Flying Put a +1/+1 counter on Sengir Vampire each time a creature is put into the graveyard the same turn Sengir Vampire damaged it. Text(RV): Flying Vampire gets a +1/+1 counter each time a creature dies during a turn in which Vampire damaged it. Text(UL): Flying Vampire gets a +1/+1 counter each time a creature dies during a turn in which Vampire damaged it unless the dead creature is regenerated. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_S.guide/SENVA} @endnode @node SIMUL "Simulacrum" @{b}Simulacrum@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(U) / RV(U) / 4E(U) Type = Instant Cost = 1B Artist = Mark Poole Print run = A(4,500) / B(13,500) / UL(68,000) / RV(1,012,000) / 4E(1,060,500) Text(4E): All damage done to you so far this turn is instead retroactively applied to a target creature you control. Further damage this turn is treated normally. Text(RV): All damage done to you so far this turn is instead retroactively applied to one of your creatures in play. Even if there's more than enough damage to kill the creature, you don't suffer any of it. Further damage this turn is treated normally. Text(UL): All damage done to you so far this turn is instead retroactively applied to one of your creatures in play. If this damage kills the creature, it can be regenerated; even if there's more than enough damage to kill the creature, you don't suffer any of it. Further damage this turn is treated normally. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_S.guide/SIMUL} @endnode @node TERRO "Terror" @{b}Terror@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(C) / RV(C) / 4E(C) Type = Instant Cost = 1B Artist = Ron Spencer Print run = A(16,000) / B(48,000) / UL(244,500) / RV(3,657,000) / 4E(3,600,000) Text(4E): Bury target non-black, non-artifact creature. Text(RV): Buries target creature. Cannot target black creatures or artifact creatures. Text(UL): Destroys target creature without possibility of regeneration. Does not affect black creatures and artifact creatures. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_T.guide/TERRO} @endnode @node UNHOL "Unholy Strength" @{b}Unholy Strength@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(C) / RV(C) / 4E(C) Type = Enchant Creature Cost = B Artist = Douglas Shuler Print run = A(16,000) / B(48,000) / UL(244,500) / RV(3,657,000) / 4E(3,600,000) @{b}NOTE@{ub}: The artwork for Unholy Strength changed in 4th edition. The burning pentagram in the background was removed. Text(4E): Target creature gets +2/+1. Text(RV): Target creature gains +2/+1. Text(UL): Target creature gains +2/+1. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_U.guide/UNHST} @endnode @node WALLO "Wall of Bone" @{b}Wall of Bone@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(U) / RV(U) / 4E(U) Type = Summon Wall (1/4) Cost = 2B Artist = Anson Maddocks Print run = A(4,500) / B(13,500) / UL(68,000) / RV(1,012,000) / 4E(1,060,500) Text(4E): : Regenerate. Text(RV): : Regenerates. Text(UL): : Regenerates. Flavor Text: @{i}The Wall of Bone is said to be an aspect of the Great Wall in Hel, where the bones of all sinners wait for Ragnarok, when Hela will call them forth for the final battle.@{ui} @{b}NO RULINGS@{ub} @endnode @node WARPA "Warp Artifact" @{b}Warp Artifact@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(R) / RV(R) / 4E(R) Type = Enchant Artifact Cost = BB Artist = Amy Weber Print run = A(1,100) / B(3,200) / UL(18,500) / RV(289,000) / 4E(353,500) Text(4E): Warp Artifact deals 1 damage to target artifact's controller during his or her upkeep. Text(RV): Warp Artifact does 1 damage to target artifact's controller during his or her upkeep. Text(UL): Warp Artifact does 1 damage to target artifact's controller at start of each turn. @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_W.guide/WARPA} @endnode @node WEAKN "Weakness" @{b}Weakness@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(C) / RV(C) / 4E(C) Type = Enchant Creature Cost = B Artist = Douglas Shuler Print run = A(16,000) / B(48,000) / UL(244,500) / RV(3,657,000) / 4E(3,600,000) Text(4E): Target creature gets -2/-1. Text(RV): Target creature loses -2/-1. Text(UL): Target creature loses -2/-1. If this drops creature's toughness below 1, it is dead. @{b}NO RULINGS@{ub} @endnode @node WILLO "Will-O-The-Wisp" @{b}Will-O-The-Wisp@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(R) / RV(R) / 4E(R) Type = Summon Will-O-The-Wisp (0/1) Cost = B Artist = Jesper Myrfors Print run = A(1,100) / B(3,200) / UL(18,500) / RV(289,000) / 4E(353,500) Text(4E): Flying : Regenerate Text(RV): Flying : Regenerates Text(UL): Flying : Regenerates Flavor Text: @{i}"About, about in reel and rout The death-fires danced at night; The water, like a witch's oils, Burnt green, and blue and white." ---Samuel Coleridge, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"@{ui} @{b}NO RULINGS@{ub} @endnode @node ZOMBI "Zombie Master" @{b}Zombie Master@{ub} Color = Black Rarity = A/B/UL(R) / RV(R) / 4E(R) Type = Summon Lord (2/3) Cost = 1BB Artist = Jeff A. Menges Print run = A(1,100) / B(3,200) / UL(18,500) / RV(289,000) / 4E(353,500) Text(4E): All zombies gain swampwalk and ': Regenerate'. Text(RV): All zombies in play gain swampwalk and ': Regenerates' for as long as this card remains in play. Text(UL): All zombies in play gain swampwalk and ': Regenerates' for as long as this card remains in play. Flavor Text: @{i}They say the Zombie Master controlled these foul creatures even before his own death, but now that he is one of them, nothing can make them betray him.@{ui} @{" Rulings " link MTG_CARD_Z.guide/ZOMBI} @endnode