@database MTG_CARD_J.guide @author "Tom de Ruyter" @$VER: MTG.guide 1.7 (25.7.96) @node MAIN "Card Rulings & Descriptions - J" @{" " link MTG_CARD_RULINGS.guide/CARD_RULINGS} - - * - * - J - * - * - - @{" Jacques le Vert " link JACQU} @{" Jade Monolith " link JADEM} @{" Jade Statue " link JADES} @{" Jalum Tome " link JALUM} @{" Jandor's Ring " link JANRI} @{" Jayemdae Tome " link JAYEM} @{" Jeweled Bird " link JEWEL} @{" Jihad " link JIHAD} @{" Johan " link JOHAN} @{" Jovial Evil " link JOVIA} @{" Juggernaut " link JUGGE} @{" Jump " link JUMP_} @{" Justice " link JUSTI} @{" Juxtapose " link JUXTA} @endnode @node JACQU "Jacques le Vert" Jacques le Vert: Does indeed give the +0/+2 bonus to itself since it is partially green. [Duelist Magazine #2, Page 7] @{" Card Information " link LG_GOLD.guide/JACQU} @endnode @node JADEM "Jade Monolith" Jade Monolith: It is used when damage is done to a creature. It is not used retroactively. [D'Angelo 05/31/95] @{" Card Information " link 4E_ARTIFACT.guide/JADEM} @endnode @node JADES "Jade Statue" Jade Statue: See the @{"Animated Lands and Artifacts" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_ANIM} section in the General Rulings for more information. It can only be a creature during attack phases and therefore can only have instants and interrupts cast upon it. Enchantments cannot be used at that time, and so no Enchant Creature spells are usable on the Statue. [PPG Page 223] Paying mana to use it for defense does not tap it. [bethmo] It is legal to power it up even if it is already a creature. This will set its power and toughness to 3/6. [Aahz 06/13/96] It cannot be used for attack the turn in which it is created. [WotC Rules Team] The Pocket Player's Guide FAQ incorrectly says that you can. Ignore it. [Duelists' Supplement, 5/94] The statue is destroyed at the end of the turn if it attacks when Berserked. [Snark] Similarly for any other effect which kills it at the end of the turn, even though it is not a creature then. [bethmo] If Animate Artifact is used on it, you get a 4/4 artifact creature which becomes a 3/6 artifact creature during an attack phase if 2 mana are spent. [bethmo] While animated, it can have enchantments placed on it. Once the Animate Artifact is removed, all Enchant Creatures will be removed because they no longer apply. The effect can be paid for during the Declare Attackers or Declare Defenders steps of the attack phase. This is one of the only effects which can do this. [WotC Rules Team 06/15/95] @{" Card Information " link UL_ARTIFACT.guide/JADES} @endnode @node JANRI "Jandor's Ring" Jandor's Ring: When used with Howling Mine, Ancestral Recall, etc. you must draw one card at a time and decide with each card if you want to use the Ring. You do not draw all the cards then decide to use the Ring on one of them. [Snark] This is not really a triggered effect. It can be used during the resolution of an effect. [Aahz 10/25/95] This means that it happens before triggered effects like Zur's Weirding. [Aahz 03/02/96] @{" Card Information " link AN_ARTIFACT.guide/JRING} @endnode @node JAYEM "Jayemdae Tome" Jayemdae Tome: It can be used to draw a card during your upkeep phase. This may give you one chance to get a card to prevent damage caused during upkeep. [Snark] Can only be used once a turn because tapping is part of the cost of using it. [Card Text] In the Limited and Unlimited Edition, the term "Mono Artifact" was used to indicate that tapping was part of the use cost. @{" Card Information " link 4E_ARTIFACT.guide/JAYEM} @endnode @node JEWEL "Jeweled Bird" Jeweled Bird: Yes, it does intend for you to make the Bird into your ante. Your old ante goes to your graveyard, and you get to draw a new card to replace the bird. Note that the card is exchanged for your entire contribution to the ante. This means that it replaces all the cards if you have more than one already contributed! [Duelist Magazine #2, Page 15] This is a mono artifact which means tapping is part of its activation cost. It may be tapped immediately after entering play. The Chronicles version has an activation cost and the Arabian Nights version does not. [Duelist Magazine #7, Page 101] Has been on the Duelists' Convocation banned list (not allowed in a deck) for tournaments since 01/25/94 because it is only used in games for Ante. @{" Card Information " link AN_ARTIFACT.guide/JEWEL} @endnode @node JIHAD "Jihad" Jihad: Only the basic colors can be used. [Arab FAQ 01/05/94] Note that lands and artifacts have no color. As errata, the word "discarded" should read "destroyed". [PPG Page 113] You choose one opposing player on casting and it only looks at that one player for the color of their cards. If that player leaves play, they will have no cards of the appropriate color in play so Jihad will be destroyed. [Duelist Magazine #4, Page 64] @{" Card Information " link AN_WHITE.guide/JIHAD} @endnode @node JOHAN "Johan" Johan: The text "any of your creatures" means as many as you want. [Duelist Magazine #2, Page 8] @{" Card Information " link LG_GOLD.guide/JOHAN} @endnode @node JOVIA "Jovial Evil" Jovial Evil: As errata to the card, it should read "target player" instead of "opponent". This means you can use it on yourself. [Duelist Magazine #4, Page 64] @{" Card Information " link LG_BLACK.guide/JOVIA} @endnode @node JUGGE "Juggernaut" Juggernaut: See the @{"Must Attack" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/TOP_MUST} entry in the General Rulings for more information. Invisibility can make the Juggernaut unblockable. The "can only be blocked by walls" of Invisibility does not override the text on the Juggernaut which says it cannot be blocked by walls. [bethmo] There is no penalty if for some reason the Juggernaut cannot attack, but if it can attack you must do so. [bethmo 08/05/94] @{" Card Information " link 3E_ARTIFACT.guide/JUGGE} @endnode @node JUMP_ "Jump" Jump: Cannot be used after a blocker is assigned in order to avoid being blocked. See the @{"Attack Phase Rules and Rulings" link MTG_GEN_RULINGS.guide/ATTACK} section of the General Rulings for more information. @{" Card Information " link 4E_BLUE.guide/_JUMP} @endnode @node JUSTI "Justice" Justice: The damage done by Justice is done immediately after any red spell which does damage resolves or creature deals damage. The damage is handled in the same damage prevention step as the damage from the original spell. [Aahz 07/25/95] Remember that Justice only works on red spell and creature sources. It does not do anything for non-creature permanents, so using Chaoslace on Justice will not cause an infinite loop. [Duelist Magazine #7, Page 9] If a single source does damage to multiple targets at once, Justice will add up all the damage done and deal damage to the source's controller in one packet (not multiple packets). [Duelist Magazine #7, Page 100] @{" Card Information " link IA_WHITE.guide/JUSTI} @endnode @node JUXTA "Juxtapose" Juxtapose: Must trade creatures and artifacts if possible, but can trade just one kind or neither kind if none are available to trade. [Aahz 06/16/94] Spell can choose creatures with Protection from Blue when making the choice of highest cost creatures. [Aahz 10/24/95] (This is a REVERSAL) Does not target either creature. [Aahz 10/24/95] @{" Card Information " link LG_BLUE.guide/JUXTA} @endnode