@database Sandwiches @author "James Caygill" @(c) "1996 James Caygill" ## $VER: My First AmigaGuide documentation V1.0 @node "main" "My first AmigaGuide" This is standard text @{b}This text is bold@{ub} @{fg shine}This text is white!@{fg text} @{i}This text is in Italic@{ui} @{" This is a simple link " link testlink} @{" This is another link with Bold " link boldlink} @{" This is a link to a picture!!! " link chunkiwalrus/main} @endnode @node testlink "This is a simple link page" This is a simple link page @{b}@{i}@{fg shine}Try loading this into a text editor @{ub}@{ui}@{fg text} @{"This takes you to another page" link boldlink} @endnode @node boldlink "A Link with a bit of bold text" @{b}oooooooOOOOOhh bold text on a link!@{ub} @endnode