@database "Othello" @author "Paul Penson" @wordwrap @node main "Menu." @{b}@{fg highlight} OTHELLO v1.0 ============ @{fg text}@{ub} For the AMIGA Written by Paul Peenson for Amiga Format CD. My first Amiga Guide Below. @{"Introduction" link intro} @{"Requirements" link requ} @{" Production " link prod} @{"Legal stuff." link lega} @{" Rules " link rules} @{" guey, GUI " link gui} @{" NETworks " link net} @{" Hello " link greet} @ENDNODE @node intro "Introducing the the Game." This Is and amiga version of the calssic game. Othello. I decided to write this game for an Amiga Format contribution. and I wrote it in AMOS Pro V2.0 WHY OTHELLO? ------------ I chose othelo as a game to write as it was one i have played a lot reciently and i can beat anyone in my family at it, except my brother who is getting better at it. I wrote a computer version and the computer mode (which was hard to write), beats my parents every time. @Endnode @node requ "What you Need." What you need to run othello. ---------------------------- *An AMIGA *A Tv *A Mouse *Between 1 and 1.5 MB of ram (it Should run on 1mb but i havent tested it). *Maths Librarys ie "mathtrans" This game has been tested on Amiga 1200 with Appolo 1220 + 4 Mb Amiga 1200 Amiga 500+ with 2 MB on all of the above the game works fine. The computer fine tunes the routines to optimise speed. @{"Code info" link Technical} @Endnode @node prod "Making of the game." THE GAMES PROGRESS, @{uu} I worte all the code,graphics and debugged this game in 2 Days saturday and sunday. it took 20 hours I then intermitently from Sixth Form College. I did the rest. The serial routine was mastered the following weeked and so the was the music The music is a completely rewritten remix of the lotus torbo challenge music. The intro was done lastit uses vector morphing. To program the game I used AMOS PRO V2. The grpahics was rended in HAM using REAL3d DPaint was used to recolour pictures to 32 colour. Protracker 3.1b was used for the music. Amos compiler was used to compile it. The game supports 7 wire null modem networking ,Should supports Serial 3 wire networking The game supports PARnet, network play providing you have a ram: drive. @endnode @node lega "Legal stuff" This Game is FREEWARE. you may give it to anyone put it on any CD or anything like that. PROVIDING the game is not edited or hacked into. To the makers of 'Lotus Turbo Challenge ' music "Sorry, i hope the remix doesnt bother you." If you do like it, it would be nice to recive a letter or appreciation. CONTACT ME AT: Paul Penson, 2 Barnmoor Rise, Solihull, West Midlands, England, B91 2HU, Thank you @endnode @node Rules "Oh No here come the rules." HOW TO PLAY OTHELLO @{uu} Oh god, i couldnt explain how to fall of a log, let alone play a game... But here it goes... The boards starts with 4 coins on it. 2 are black 2 are white, they are inthe middle. If player 1 is vlack and it is blacks go, They muat place a coin on the table which traps the opponents coin. All the openents coins upward, downwards, left, or right, or diagonally, trapped inbetween the coin you just put down and another coin of your colour changes to your color. ie O=white 0=black O0 0Ox the black player put their coin at x O0 000 but if half way thought the game white puts their coin at x the below happed O O O 0000000 O000x000O 00000 O O O O O O 0OOO0 OOOOxOOOO 0OOO0 O O O The idear of the game is to fill up the table or util the other player cannot go. If this is the case then you must give up. This is done by going into the gui menu. When the end of the game has come the coins are counted and the person with the most colours ie if black won the screen would turn black and the menu will come down. @endnode @node gui "HOW TO USE OTHELLO" The gui The GUI can be brought up at any time by moving the MOUSE pionter TO the TOP of the SCREEN. Once this is done the gui will scroll into veiw. their are several buttons. The only time the menu will not pop down is during reading of the network. esc has to be pressed for this function. [2 player mode.] this goes into 2 player mode, only , when it is depressed the players alternate goes on the mouse [ParNET] Plays in parnet mode, if parnet exists then it shall flash up a few commands and eventually wait for the other computer to also link up. [SerNET] Same as before but for serial [Computer/first/second] this toggles between wether you want the first player in computer mode to be the compueter as well, (ie the computer battles it out), or first for the player to come ('first') before the computer for the player to come ('second') after the computer turn. [Blank box with YES/NO] when this box fills up with a question press yes or no button. [Giev Up] if you want to end a game Give up with this. [Undo] ONLY IN 2 PLAYER modde this allows a move to be undone. and retaken. [Quit Game] HUMMM.... [SFX / Music / None] What sort of sound you want. [Turn quick/medium/slow] How fast you want to turn the coins over. [Resume Game] Put the gui away and go back to the game. @endnode @node Greet "Greetings" I would like to thank : The Amiga Format team for producing a great mag and a decient CD. I would like to thank them also for putting tunes of mine on previous CD's I would also like to thank then for suppliing Amospro on Coverdisk. Also their inclusion of my work on their CD motivated me to write this. I would like to say a big ~H E L L O~ to EVERBODY. Hello to greg. @endnode @node Net "NETWORKS" Oh well Infinatly difficult to explain. Their are two types of networking. SERnet and PARnet PARnet. ------- This will not work with out the parnet dirvers. These are avalible from pd and other places. you will need or need to make a cable. IT is a parrallel networker by Vernon Graner. Once installed one person starts host the other client a disk called Network will appear and give full accses to the other computer drives. * refffer to doc for Parnet. Once you understand and have parnet working... You will need a drive Called RAM: Then ramdisk and a drawer Net:ram/ the remote ramdisk. What the program does is it leaves temporary files in the drawer which the computer reads . To link up once in othello.... Click on parnet icon the computer will wait for the other computer to have the same doen. ESC will quit a network operation at any time. Onec linked black will go first. and the game will comtinue until one person changes game type, which leaves the other computer waiting until esc is pressed. or the game ends IF you wish to leave a game early press give up this will sever the network cleanly. SERnet It is the same but for this you will need a serial null modem cable 3 wire should work. Prefferably 7 Wire. This needs no driver so once the ga,e is loaded Press the SERnet button the computer will then wait for the other computer to do the same From here the routine is idential to parnet press esc to quit the net work at any time or give up or an end of the game shall quit the network. relinking will be nessersary. When not starting Fron a fresh mase the mase from Computer 1 will be copied the the remote terminal. @endnode @Node tricks "Tricks to the game" KEEPING the Board UNCHANGED When you are playing a game, when the table is changed, you may wish to let the computer take over or start net play when you do if it asks you to restart game press no. this will leave the table as it is UNLESS the game has ended when it will quit. This only works in two player mode If you make a mistake then on the next players go move u0p to the top of the board and the menu will come down Once this has happed press the udo button and you last move shall be undun. @endnode @node technical "WOW" This game includes : Over 1500 lines of Code 1 Protracker mod 2 pictures 13 Sprites 2 samples 50 hours of work A Brilliant game play @endnode