SUPER-RETRISS V2.01 Copyright (c) 1992 Rogelio Bernal All Rights Reserved ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ THIS IS A SHAREWARE PROGRAM ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ YES, this program is distributed under the shareware concept. This means that you must register this software if you want to keep using it, after a short time for evaluation. If you think the program fits your needs or you just would like to keep it and use it, then you MUST register it. NEVER CHARGE PEOPLE A FEE FOR GIVING THEM A COPY OF SUPER-RETRISS !! (PD/Shareware distributors read last section) You, as a user, may freely copy and pass this program to anybody, only if you include all the files that come in the original package. You cannot add any extra files, nor destroy, change or modify any of the original files included in this package in any way. If you have seen previous versions of this game, you may notice that many features previously only available in registered releases have been included now in the shareware release. I've done this because I believe in the shareware concept, and I want you to go as far as you can before you register the program. Now you can use the editor and play using your designs. The only options not available in the shareware release are the option to save your designs on diskette, and also you cannot start playing in a zone higher than zone 10. These limitations were not implemented to bother you before you register it, but to keep some features to the users who really deserve them. SUPER-RETRISS is copyrighted software, and all rights are reserved. HOW TO REGISTER ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The registration fee for Super-Retriss is $15. As soon as I receive your registration form with the payment, I will send you the latest registered version of Super-Retriss at no extra charge. This release will let you save zones to disk, it will include a registered copy of GraphMatch and any new features added. To register, print out the file FORM.TXT, fill all the blanks and endorse a check drawn on US funds, payable to Rogelio Bernal, and send it to : Rogelio Bernal 62 Boylston St. #920 Boston, MA 02116 Please, add $5 for international shipping/handling. This does not include Canada or Mexico. COMMENTS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Should you happen to run accross one of those little "bugs" (even a minor one), or are you having problems using this program, please be sure to notify me so that it can be fixed in the next version of SUPER-RETRISS. Any comments regarding program features, documentation, presentation, etc. are always appreciated. - Rogelio Bernal - ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Next section is only for Public Domain/Shareware distributors ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ PD/SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTORS ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Anyone wishing to charge people a fee for giving them a copy of SUPER- RETRISS must have the written authorization of the author, without which, the distributor is guilty of copyright violation. To receive such authorization, send a letter requesting it, including name of the organization, your name, address and signature, along with a copy of your software library's order form to: Rogelio Bernal 62 Boylston St.#920, Boston, MA 02116 Also, include this paragraph in your request : In return for the right to charge a fee for the distribution of the program SUPER-RETRISS, I agree to comply with the terms of distribution, as the author requests. Include $25 to cover the cost of processing the application and of sending you the latest version of SUPER-RETRISS. TERMS OF DISTRIBUTION OF SUPER-RETRISS (PD/Shareware distributors only) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. The fee charged may not exceed $6, including postage, and/or any other charges. 2. Your library's catalog or listing must state that this program is not free and the user must register it if she or he wishes to keep using it. 3. The offering of SUPER-RETRISS will be stopped at any time the author so requests. 4. Copies must be made from the copy of SUPER-RETRISS sent to you with this agreement. This is required for control purposes. 5. Problems or complaints will be reported to the author for resolution. - Rogelio Bernal - ******************************************************************************** CDV - Software * Ettlingerstr. 5 * 7500 Karlsruhe 1