_______________________________________________________________ GGGG H H OOO SSSS TTTTT !! G H H O O S T !! G GGG HHHHH O O SSS T !! G G H H O O S T GGG H H OOO SSSS T !! _______________________________________________________________ Program created by Mario Peeters and Filip Raeymaekers _______________________________________________________________ 1) RULES OF THE GAME (And no cheating hey.) ------------------------------------------- The aim of the game is to gain as many points as possible - are we original or what?! Every item you pick up is worth 20 points. Meanwhile you must also collect all 5 golden coins in order to open the gate to the next level. There is no time limit, but if you manage to do it in less than 100 seconds you'll receive extra points. Your opponents are 4 ghosts - who would have guessed that hey! Your only defence are the walls you can pull up behind you while you are running (press the spacebar). This does cost you one collected item. If this does not work... ...you had not yet collected an item, ...you were not moving at that time, ...askanewkeyboardforChristmas:thespacebarisblocked. Don't lock yourself up! (Only escape at that time is Esc - haha, but that does cost you one life, fool) After the fourth level you'll receive one extra life, or, with still 3 lifes left, 500 bonus points. 2) INSTALLATION (haha!) ----------------------- Fling the entire thing onto your hard disk, type GHOST and play! Soundblaster-freaks can change the interruptaddress in their CONFIG.SYS, but that won't change a damn thing. 3) USERS GUIDE (simple, simple) ------------------------------- On the menuscreen: - H for highscores - R for rules of the game - S for sex - Esc to quit - every other key to play - A for B During the game: - cursorkeys to move - spacebar to place an obstacle - Esc to commit suicide (only escape when you are enclosed) 4) SHAREWARE-CONDITIONS (And definitely no cheating here, hey.) --------------------------------------------------------------- This game is shareware: you can copy and play it freely. If you like it, we ask you to send us a small contribution of 200 Belgian francs (or the equivalent: 8 US Dollar, 5 British pound or 12 Deutsche Mark). We did not fiddle with passwords or silly registration cards because we count on your honest co-operation. We have delivered this game in good working order, without any viruses or any other diseases. Hence, we are in no way responsible if your word processor crashes tomorrow, if the printer drivers of your mouse format the hard disk or if your younger sister suddenly turns out to be somewhat pregnant. Have fun! Reactions and/or contributions to be sent to: Filip Raeymaekers or Mario Peeters (screendesign) (programming) Bareelveld 21 Leuvensesteenweg 616 2820 Bonheiden 2812 Muizen Belgium Belgium (Account numbers only to be used inside Belgium: ) (788-5593008-27 789-5770457-42)