SNAKES AND LADDERS VERSION 01.01 This program is a product of SOFTSELL.If you enjoy using this program please send us the registration fee of seven pounds and fifty pence. This will enable us to continue producing and updating Shareware programs. In return you will be sent the registered version of the program (please specify disk size), full printed documentation, details of any updates and a full list of other software available. Sue Pardoe SOFTSELL 65 Heol Rehoboth Five Roads Llanelli Dyfed SA15 5DZ. Telephone 0269-860206 This version of Snakes and Ladders is based on the Traditional board game, but we have added some simple sums to get kids brains working. Besides being just another game it should help young children learn to count up to 100 in steps of 1 to 6. It's easy - just count on from the square you are on, the number thrown on the dice. At the end of the game there is a score of how well you have done. You can play against the computer or a friend and if you just want to play for fun you also have the option of switching the sums off. This program was written in Quickbasic on a 286, 20MHz PC with VGA monitor using DOS version 3.3. The program should run on any machine with EGA graphics and higher from a floppy drive or hard disk. TO USE THE PROGRAM a) Power on b) Place disk into the appropriate drive c) Change drives by typing in A: or B: d) Run the program by typing in SNAKES This should then bring up the SOFTSELL logo and details of how to register on the screen. Press any key to continue, You should now have the game board on screen. The game is ready to play with the default settings. ie with SUMS ON : COMPUTER PLAYER ON : SOUNDS ON : To throw the dice press any key except those listed below to start the dice. You will then be asked to do a sum. When you have the correct answer the counter will move. It will then be the computers go. If your counter ends on a square in which a ladder starts you will go up, if you end on a square with a snakes head in you will go down. The first person to reach the 100 square is the winner. You will then be given a score of how well you did with the sums. To switch off the sums press the F8 key, note that you cannot turn off the sums in the middle of a sum, wait until the sum box has been removed from the screen. To change to a two player game press the F7 key. To turn the sounds off press the F6 key. To exit from the program at any time press the F10 key. KEY SUMMARY F10 EXIT PROGRAM F8 Toggle sums on/off F7 Toggle computer player on/off F6 Toggle sounds on/off PROBLEMS, PROBLEMS, PROBLEMS ... There shouldn't be any problems but if you have difficulty running this program please contact us giving your name, ad- dress, and information on your exact configuration explaining the exact nature of the problem.//