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C16/+4 User Port

Availble on Commodore C16 and +4 computers.

UNKNOWN (At the Computer)

UNKNOWN CONNECTOR at the Computer.

Pin Name Description
1 GND Ground
2 +5V +5 VDC
4 P2/CSE Data 2/Cassette Sense
5 P3 Data 3
6 P4 Data 4
7 P5 Data 5
8 RxC Recieve Clock
9 ATN Attention?
10 +9V +9 VAC
11 +9V +9 VAC
12 GND Ground
A GND Ground
B P0 Data 0
C RxD Recieve Data
D RTS Request to Send
E DTR Data Terminal Ready
F P7 Data 7
G DCD Data Carrier Detect
H P6 Data 6
I CTS Clear to Send
J DSR Data Set Ready
K TxD Transmit Data
L GND Ground
Contributor: Joakim �gren
Source: Usenet posting in comp.sys.cbm, Pinout specs fort cbm machines needed by Lonnie McClure
Please send any comments to Joakim �gren.