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Click on an image for more information on any title.
dpaint5.jpg (10541 bytes) Deluxe Paint 5 �17.99 Amiga Compatable Deluxe Paint 5 now available on floppy or CD-ROM.  The floppy version comes with the full manual and the CD-ROM version has an online manual and lots of extras.
ultblitz.jpg (11601 bytes) Ultimate Blitz Basic 2.1 CD �17.99 Amiga Compatable Ultimate Blitz basic has the full Blitz Basic 2.1, all the add-ons included and loads of extras on this packed CD-ROM.
Encyclopedia of the Paranormal Encyclopedia of the  Paranormal �14.99 Amiga Compatable The Strange and Paranormal gets the Epic Encyclopedia treatment.
The Hidden Truth Hidden Truth �19.99 Amiga CompatableWindows 95 Compatible A multimedia presentation of the unknown and unusual in HTML format for the Amiga and PC.
Epic Collection 3 Epic Collection 3 �14.99 Amiga Compatable The third in the Epic Public Domain Collection series contains the very latest from Epic.
nfa3.jpg (3942 bytes) NFA AGA Experience 3 �14.99 Amiga Compatable The third in the NFA AGA series with everything deveoted to the AGA Amiga machines.
Speccy '97 CD Speccy '97 �14.99 Amiga CompatableWindows 95 Compatible Sinclair Spectrum emulators for the Amiga and PC with thousands of games ready to use.
Retro Gold Retro Gold �9.99 Amiga CompatableWindows 95 Compatible Spectrum and CBM 64 emulators for both Amiga and Windows 95 with thousands of games for both Spectrum and CBM 64.
gamesroom.jpg (10521 bytes) Games Room �14.99 Amiga Compatable A CD-ROM crammed full of card, board, pub games and more.  Created by Epic.
Card Games CD Card Games �14.99 Amiga CompatableWindows 95 Compatible A CD-ROM dedicated to card games for both the Amiga and the PC.
Epic Encyclopedia Epic Encyclopedia �19.99 Amiga Compatable The biggest Encyclopedia ever for the Amiga with over 16,000 subjects, images , animations videos and sounds etc.
Amiga Desktop Video 2 Desktop Video 2 �14.99 Amiga Compatable The second CD-ROM from Almathera dedicated to Desktop Video with many itmes for the enthusiast or professional.
Magic Workbech Enhancer Magic Workbench Enhancer �9.99 Amiga Compatable Thousands of extra Magic Workbench icons and backdrops to enhance the system.  Does not contain Magic Workbench.
Take me to the order form page, I've just got to get hold of some of these.

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For independent reveiws on any of our Amiga titles please go to Paradise City
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Copyright � 1998 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: January 04, 1998