The RADIANCE Synthetic Imaging System Greg Ward Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory 1 Cyclotron Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720 (415) 486-4757 1. Introduction RADIANCE was developed as a research tool for predict- ing the distribution of visible radiation in illuminated spaces. It takes as input a three-dimensional geometric model of the physical environment, and produces a map of spectral radiance values as a color image. The technique of ray-tracing follows light backwards from the image plane to the source(s). Because it can produce realistic images from a simple description, RADIANCE has a wide range of applica- tions in graphics arts, lighting design, computer-aided engineering and architecture. The diagram in Figure 1 shows the flow between programs (boxes) and data (ovals). The central program is rpict, which produces a picture from a scene description. Rview is a variation of rpict that computes and displays images interactively. A scene description file lists the surfaces and materi- als that make up a specific environment. The current sur- face types are spheres, polygons, cones, and cylinders. They can be made from materials such as plastic, metal, and glass. Light sources can be distant disks as well as local spheres and polygons. From a three-dimensional scene description and a speci- fied view, rpict produces a two-dimensional image. A pic- ture file is a compressed binary representation of the pix- els in the image. This picture can be scaled in size and brightness, anti-aliased, and sent to a graphics output dev- ice. A header in each picture file lists the program(s) and parameters that produced it. This is useful for identifying a picture without having to display it. The information can - 220 -