BLACK SCREEN ESTABLISHING SHOT -- INT. LOBBY OF THE PLAZA HOTEL WIDE ANGLE displaying the elegant white-and- gold Plaza lobby to its best advantage. Angle favors the revolving doors on the Fifth Avenue side. Through them a Central Park hansom cab can be seen passing by, and the Plaza double- P logo with "The Plaza" in script under it is in evidence in the shot. Various well-to- do looking people, bellmen, etc, are going about their business in the lobby, as we HOLD on this angle for a moment. Then: SFX: TREMENDOUS EXPLOSION! as the revolving doors are BLOWN UP and inwards toward our POV. People in the lobby REACT with predictable alarm -- CLOSER ON THE DOORS Or where they used to be, as fragments of glass and brass and whatnot collapse inward toward us with appropriate SFX. In over the rubble come running several STORMTROOPERS, armed with rifle-blasters with which they cover the lobby and the people in it. And through the smoke and haze still lingering where the doors were blasted in, comes striding a tall, dark, menacing, very familiar figure, with his black cloak billowing behind him, and the expected SFX: LOUD, MECHANICAL BREATHING NOISES coming from inside his helmet. He walks right up to the camera till he is framed in MED. ANGLE. DARTH VADER (that famous voice, making this a very silly question) Do you know me?... DIFFERENT ANGLE CAMERA FOLLOWS as the Dark Lord strolls through the Plaza lobby, past the Palm Court, and toward the registration desk. As Vader walks along, we see various people in b.g. REACTING to his presence -- a child starting toward Vader in absolute fascination, a worried mother realizing just who that is, and hustling the child OUT OF SHOT -- businessmen staring, elegantly- dressed little old ladies glancing up in annoyance at having their afternoon tea disturbed, etc. ad lib. Also in b.g., following Vader as unobtrusively as possible, we see several Stormtroopers carrying in his luggage. All black, of course.... VADER (to the camera, as he goes: slightly sinister overtones) My...*business*...takes me all over the Galaxy. To Force- forsaked spots like Hoth, and Tattooine. (very slight beat) And New York City. CLOSER -- AT THE REGISTRATION DESK He pauses beside it, In b.g., again rather unobtrusively, a Stormtrooper comes up carrying a two-suiter (black again) and leading a pair of Dobermans, on leashes, each with its own black cloak. VADER That's why I carry the American Express Gold Card. (holds it up) With the Card, I'm guaranteed an imperial welcome in the greatest hotels and restaurants on Earth. And no matter where I may find myself, the Card makes sure I'm treated with the respect I deserve. DIFFERENT ANGLE Including more of the registration desk, and a HOTEL RESERVATION CLERK, who leans over the desk a bit to take in Vader, the Stormtroopers, the Dobermans. His expression is rather super- cilious and annoyed, a "Who *is* this clown?" look. CLERK (a touch snide) you have a reservation? Vader looks at him, says nothing -- simply raises the Card a bit, very slowly. The clerk clutches abruptly at his throat, choking. He begins to collapse behind the desk. Vader leans forward slightly as the clerk starts going down, "following" him. The clerk grabs frantically at the desk for support, then reaches for the bell atop it and just manages to hit it (SFX: DING!) as he goes down behind the desk and OUT OF SHOT. CLERK (CONT'D) (barely squeaks it out) Front! CLOSER ON VADER Still holding up the Card, Vader glances ever so briefly at it...then BACK AT CAMERA again. No expression is visible through his helmet, of course...but his voice sounds like a shark's smile. VADER (wicked enjoyment) Sometimes I help it a little. INSERT -- ON BLANK CARD The usual shot of the Gold Card. With SFX: TELETYPE NOISE, the words appear on it: D-A-R-T-H V-A-D-E-R. (There is no expiration date. Would *you* ever try to cancel Darth Vader's Amex card?) ANNOUNCER (V.O.) The American Express Gold Card. Don't leave *your* galaxy without it. BLACK SCREEN ********************************************