[About The Guide]
Introduction Keyboard
ClrBuffer() Empties the keyboard buffer and Lastkey() value
FastKey() Sets the maximum typematic rate
Inkey2() Does the same that Inkey() but take care of Setkey()
IsAlt() Determines if the Alt key is pressed
IsCaps() Determines if the Caps lock key is active
IsCtrl() Determines if the Ctrl key is pressed
IsInsert() Determines if Insert mode is active
IsLShift() Determines if the Left Shift key is pressed
IsNum() Determines if the Num lock key is active
IsRShift() Determines if the Right Shift key is pressed
IsScroll() Determines if the Scroll lock key is active
KeyScan() Extracts a character from the keyboard buffer
KeyStuff() Stuff a character into the keyboard buffer
NormKey() Sets the normal typematic rate
SlowKey() Sets the minimum typematic rate
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson