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         Writes a message in a light focus window


         BoxMessage( cMessage, [nY], [nX], [cColor] ) -> aVentana

         cMessage : Message to display in the window
         nY       : Y coordinate of the window. ( Default: 7 )
         nX       : X coordinate of the window. ( Default: centered )
         cColor   : Colour of the window. ( Default: "B" )


         Shows a message in the windows using a focused light window. If
         the Y coordinate is not specified, assumes the value 7.
         If the X coordinate is not specified, the window shrinks or grows
         depending in the message's lenght. By default, the color used is
         "B". Remenber that you can not used the character "+" for colours
         in focused light windows.


         An array with information to work with a focused light window.


         nCursor := SetCursor ( 0 )
         aBoton  := BoxMessage ( "Fast Library For Clipper", 12, , "G" )
         Pitido ()
         BoxPush ( aBoton )
         Delay ( .1 )
         BoxClose ( aBoton )
         SetCursor ( nCursor )

See Also: Message()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson