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Returns and/or modify the IRQ of the SB
sbIRQ( nNewIRQ ) -> nIRQ
nNewIRQ : The new IRQ that must have the Sound Blaster.
Remember that the value must be introduce in decimal,
So you have to translate the hexadecimal to decimal.
Returns and/or modify the IRQ of the Sound Blaster. Null the
Sound Blaster goes to the IRQ 7h, that means that, assume the
interruption 08h+07h = 0fh but this value can be modify by
the straps of the card.
Check in wich IRQ has been your Sound Blaster established
and adjust this function in the IRQ.
A numerical value indicating the present IRQ
? sbIRQ( 5 ) // Update the IRQ to 5 and Returns the previous
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson