Announcing: TommySoftware launch TommySoftware Cad/Draw Professional 2.0 Setting new standards for the professional CAD market. Following on from the enormous success of their TSCAD/DRAW product - which has introduced thousands of users to serious CAD under Windows - Tommy Software of Berlin has expanded their range with the launch of a new English-Language technical drawing package for Windows 3.X - TommySoftware Cad/Draw Professional 2.0 (TSCDPRO). Aimed squarely at the professional and serious CAD user TSCDPRO 2 keeps the blindingly fast performance and modest system requirements of TSCAD/DRAW but adds a host of new features and improvements. New features include : Parts List (Bill of Materials) generation, Multiple viewing windows, Multi-level undo (up to 100 steps), multi line text editor and annotation functions, symbols with external references, intuitive object identification, up to 40 different pens with user-defined line patterns, externally referenced symbols, many new and improved drawing methods, 400 page manual, user-friendly on-line help, over 1000 pre-defined symbols and much more besides. TSCDPRO 2 can exchange data with Autocad (DXF format), TSCAD/DRAW and also with other Windows applications via the clipboard. A demo-disk (fully functioning but no file-save) is available from : INSERT YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ETC HERE The price of the full version is : INSERT YOUR PRICE AND PAYMENT METHODS ETC HERE. Registered users of TSCAD\DRAW can upgrade to TSCDPRO 2 at a special price of : INSERT YOUR UPGRADE PRICE HERE.