F1 Software

Information Survey

The purpose of this survey is to collect information from our customers in order to understand your future needs and software requirments. The information will only be seen by F1 SOFTWARE and will not be passed onto any other organisation. We hope that you can share a few minutes to complete the form.

This survey is divided into the following sections:

Thank you for your help.

SECTION A -- About You

  1. What is your favorite software title at the moment?

  2. How many hours do you spend at your computer per week:

    None 1-5 hours 5-10 hours 10-20 hours More than 20 hours

  3. We would like to send you some literature. What is your mailing address?
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SECTION B -- Our Website

  1. How would you rate this website?

    Bad Poor Fair Good Excellent

  2. What is your favorite page?

  3. Select the subject areas you are most interested in:


  4. Would you like F1 Software to E-mail you from time to time, if we have a new title which we think you might like to hear about?

    Email Address
  5. Back to Top

SECTION C -- Hardware

To create bigger and better titles for the Amiga we need to know what setups our customers are currently using. Please answer the following questions, your comments will be greatly appreciated.

  1. Which of the following do you currently own?
    A500       A2000      CD-ROM     EXTRA MEMORY
    A600       A3000      ZIP-DRIVE  CO-PROCESSOR
    A1200      A4000      HARDDRIVE  PRINTER
  2. Please enter any additional comments regarding our products or services:

  3. Select an item from the following list, which you plan to purchase in the next 6 months:

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Thank you again for taking the time to answer the questions in our survey.

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Phil Wilkinson.
Copyright � 1998 [F1 Software]. All rights reserved.
Revised: March 05, 1998.