Alive MediaSoft are now developing several games for 1998 including The Haunted which many readers have been asking about. They have assured Amiga Flame that it will be coming out early in the new year.
They also revealed that their second game will be called Arcangel which will be a very high spec with it requiring 16 Fast Ram, CD-Rom only and will be made PPC compatable. Currently the game is all on paper and they have only one programmer dedicated to bringing it to our faithfull machine, but being locked away in the broom cupboard all on his own is not doing him any good, and he is lonely and in need of a friend.
Alive MediaSoft are essentially looking for a competent Assembly Language programmer. With the capability of coding for Modem Links. They would prefer that you live within the UK as you may need to attend several meetings. Potential candidates should send a CV and any portfolio to Andrew Reed of Alive MediaSoft by e-mail to:-
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