Amiga Flame - Game Developers - Main Page


Welcome to Amiga Flame`s "Game Developers" section.

From here I hope to help Games Developers. The first section is aimed at helping you the developer link up with a publisher so your game will get the chance to be played by games users from all over the world.

(*)How To Approach An Publisher

Another section coming soon will point out why you should not go Shareware as it is damaging the Amiga market.

Nowadays development teams come together with a musican, graphics artist and programmer but of course these teams are not easy to put together. Well I plan to make this a little easier so if your development team requires a graphics artist or someone in a particular field contact me and I will add this in the new page. Also if you want to offer your services in the development of games then this will also be added.

(*)Amiga Game Opportunities

I hope people will see that I am trying my best to help the Amiga Community and I hope you will help me to help you. Good luck Game Developers because you are the future of the Amiga.

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