Diversia under development by Ablaze Entertainment seems to be creating what could be not only the first C&C type game but the best one for the Amiga, although it is up against stiff opposition.
There will be Rocket Launchers, Helicopters, Androids, Troops, Driller Vehicles for searching oil resources, with Heavy Factories building for very special Hi-Tech Vehicles, these are just some examples. There will be up to 16 different types of buildings including a Spionage Agency building for very special actions. Other things they plan to include are AirStrikes, Spionage planes, AntiG units, Nuke Warheads, Craters, Turrets, Walls, Research new weapon systems and Alien Technology, Network mode, CPU intelligence, Videophone Messages, etc.
 It's 65% complete and a demo has been released but unfortunately it's for Publishers only so we have hold are breath for a little while longer.
Visit their web site at :-
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