The World of Amiga show is expected to be larger than last year's which was a little disappointing but after contacting a number of Amiga Publishers I learned that there should be much more for Amiga Gamers to see and even try out.
 Sadeness Software are expected to be selling the long awaited Foundation, you can get signed copies from Paul Burkey the author along with going head to head against him at Foundation. Can you beat him at his own game? They will be displaying both Dafel: Bloodline and hopefully Forgotten Forever. While at their stand make should you purchase OnEscapee, if you haven't already.
Alive MediaSoft have told me that they will be taking over 700 different titles to the show. Features and demos of Haunted will be on show along with some of their new developments in Childrens Software. Competitions will be run by them throughout the day on games like Quake, Extreme Racing and Goal which they claim to be the best at. If you beat a member of their staff then you'll win a copy of the game. They have boxes of goodies to give away so those attending should see them straight away or miss out!
Weird Science will be selling many games including all of Vulcan Software's. Paul Carrington will be at the show and I've heard through sources that there should be a Genetic Species competition.
The World Of Amiga show is going to to be alot of fun for those attending and really it's well worth going.