Rules for adding your site to the Amiga web ring are quite simple:
1. ANY Amiga-related site (commercial or non-commercial) can and should become
a part of the ring.
2. PXL computers and clickBOOM maintain the right to refuse any web site
found inappropriate - sites containing pornographic or similar material (let's not go into
details, you know what we mean) will not be granted permission to the ring
and are the only exception to rule 1.
3. A control panel HTML code provided to you MUST NOT BE ALTERED IN ANY WAY!
Any changes will lead to permanent removal of your site from the Amiga web
4. The control panel must be placed on the FIRST PAGE of your web site.
If the site contains frames, the control panel can be placed in any frame, as
long as it is reasonably easy for a new visitor to find it. It does not
makes sense to have surfers get stuck on a web site because they can't find the control
panel to continue their surf.
5. When changing your web sites URL, inform us as soon as possible, otherwise
we will remove your site, because the whole point of the web ring is for it
to be closed and without dead links.