CP upgrade 1.1 DMS version
CP upgrade 1.1 LHA archive
CP level cheat
Demo 4.2
Demo 13

CP upgrade 1.1 DMS version
download (410 Kb)

(this upgrade is program-wise identical to CP1.1.lha, but it also contains a complete install-disk replacement, as well as MakeBootDisk script.)
Requires original disks.

If you use DMS, we recommend this upgrade over the LHA version.
Capital Punishment game requires 1.95Mb of free CHIP RAM. In order to make everything working we had to compress the system, get rid of all its unnecessary parts etc. While this gave us more free RAM it also had its side effects - on some Amigas the game would sometimes lock for no obvious reason while loading a level. Therefore we made this patch to solve those problems.

As always, feel free to contact us.


- Improved memory management, resulting in more reliable loading of the game.
- Quit from the main menu saves the current status, and it now also fully resets the computer. Give it a few seconds after pressing "quit"!
- Additional optimization of the code eliminates the need for separate 040.library and 060.library. Everything is handled by the game code itself.
- CP now works on Apollo boards.


- UnDMS this archive to a floppy disk. It will automatically be named "CapitalPunishmentInstallDisk".
- Use this disk as your Capital Punishment installation disk.

CP upgrade 1.1 LHA archive
download North America (310 Kb)
download Germany
download UK

If you know how to use DMS utility, we recommend you use the DMS version of the upgrade. It is simpler and has more features.
Capital Punishment game requires 1.95Mb of free CHIP RAM. In order to make everything working we had to compress the system, get rid of all its unnecessary parts etc. While this gave us more free RAM it also had its side effects - on some Amigas the game would sometimes lock for no obvious reason while loading a level. Therefore we made this patch to solve those problems.

As always, feel free to contact us.


- Improved memory management, resulting in more reliable loading of the game.
- Quit from the main menu saves the current status, and it now also fully resets the computer. Give it a few seconds after pressing "quit"!
- Additional optimization of the code eliminates the need for separate 040.library and 060.library. Everything is handled by the game code itself.
- CP now works on Apollo boards.


- Unpack CP1.1.lha anywhere on your hard drive.
- This will create two files:
1. CP-upgrade.readme
2. CP-upgrade.lha

- Copy CP-upgrade.lha to the Capital Punishment directory on your hard drive.
- In shell type LHA x CP-upgrade.lha
- This will start unpacking the upgrade.
- You should be prompted with: 'CODELevels/K.code' already exists, overwrite? (Y/N/A/S/Q):
- press A to to copy all the files.
- A message "Operation successful." should appear.
- You can now delete CP-upgrade.lha and play the game.
NOTE: If you run Capital Punishment by typing "execute punish" at CLI, please delete 'setpatch' command from punish file of your root directory. It was created by the original installer, and is no more needed (especially if you have 060).
You won't have to delete this if you use DMS version of the upgrade.

CP level cheat
download (55 Kb)
Capital Punishment in all other modes allows you to choose only the scenes you reached to while playing in Epic mode - life is hard and cruel...
...but no more.

1. Download this file
2. Copy it over the existing menu.code file in "CapitalPunishment/codelevels/" directory on your hard drive.

From now on you can choose among 6 scenes when playing tournament, league, multiplayer and any other mode.

The other 4 levels (Teachers, Chamber, Hidden, Master) are only available in Epic mode.

Main music theme
download (230 Kb)
Cool and powerful, this module shows what Capital Punishment and clickBOOM are about - it starts innocently and then explodes in a matter of seconds.

Check out why Capital Punishment got 95% for sound in Amiga Computing, and 96% in CU Amiga, with an accolade of having "the best sound in the history of beat-em-ups".