F1GP-Ed Documentation

Amiga Formula One

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F1GP-Ed supports AmigaGuideĀ®, thus enabling the possibility of on-line
help. To get help when using F1GP-Ed, simply press the "Help" key and you
will get help about the current window or menu item.  All that is required
is that amigaguide.library is available and the F1GP-Ed.guide database is
in the same directory as F1GP-Ed or as specified by HELPFILE.

F1GP-Ed sports a dynamic help system, meaning that the help file and
amigaguide.library are only opened when required (ie pressing the "Help"

Synchronous help (default) will work on all systems, but asynchronous help
is better although it only works properly with machines with Workbench 3.0
or higher, as the amigaguide.library (V39) supplied with that version
operating system is bug free.  Users with Workbench 1.x or 2.x have to make
do with V34 of the library which contains a number of bugs - the major one
being that after using asynchronous on-line help everything you try to run
on your Amiga will crash usually with a 8000000B guru, and if you use V34
with Workbench 3.x you'll probably find F1GP-Ed crashes after using the
help.  So, if you find this happening to you, don't use the asynchrous help

Note: Workbench 1.x owners have to press the key with a "|" and/or a "\"
symbol on it (near backspace key on English keyboards) instead of the
"Help" key due to technical reasons.  Also, you can not directly get help
on menu items.

Converted on 31 Aug 1997 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.