Online Documentation Amiga Formula One

Main Menu

      F1GP-SaveEd V1.1 - A Save Game Editor for Formula One Grand Prix

                             © 1997 Mario Sarno

    Introduction         - An explanation of the program
    Disclaimer           - Read before using the software
    Distribution         - The files that must be kept together
    System Requirements  - The Hardware requirements of the program

    Usage                - An explanation of how to use the program
    The Depth Gadget     - How to use the Depth Gadget

    F1GP-Ed              - Details on another excellent utility

    - Previous versions of F1GP-SaveEd
    Future               - Things to do for the next version
    Updates              - Where to get the latest version
    Bug Reports          - How to report bugs found in the program

    Credits              - Details on who wrote what
    About the Author     - A little bit about myself
    Copyrights           - The Copyrights of the program

NOTE : This document has been written with Workbench 3.0 in mind.  Users
using an inferior version of Workbench will not get the bold, italics, and
underline styles in the text, or the different coloured text.



This program allows you to change various settings in your F1GP saved games.
Whereas F1GP-Ed is an excellent utility, it doesn't as yet provide a way of
editing Saved Games.  This program will allow you to change the following

· The result of every race in the season so far

· The name of every driver, and also which driver is a computer/human

· The names of every Team, and also their Engine names.  You can also
  change which driver drives for them.

· The Race details, such as laptimes, qualifying tyres used, and the type
  of session (Free Practice/Qualifying/Race etc.)

· The Standard Options as found in the game such as the Length of the race,
  the Opposition Standard, and everything else found in the Race and Help
  Options menus.

· The Car Setups

The following tools were used in the coding of this program:-

AMOS Professional V2.00 - To code the F1GP-SaveEd executable

CygnusEd Pro V3.5       - Used to write this guide file, and the

Heddley V1.1            - Used to edit this AmigaGuide file

F1GP-SaveEd is © 1997 Mario Sarno.  See Copyrights section for more



I cannot guarantee that every possible combination of the settings in
F1GP-SaveEd will affect the saved game files as intended.

I cannot be held liable if F1GP-SaveEd or any of its components corrupts or
damages any software or hardware on your computer.  This software is used at
the owners risk.

Please use a backup of the saved game, just in case you do something you
later regret, or you lose the save game by accident.

F1GP-SaveEd is NOT officially endorsed by MicroProse Software.




This program may be freely copied as long as the following files are kept

 F1GP-SaveEd             - The Main Program file        - The icon for the Main Program file       - This Amigaguide file  - The icon for this AmigaGuide file
 HD_Install              - The Hard Disk installer for the program         - The icon for the Hard Disk installer
 History.txt             - The History Text file        - The icon for the History Text file.

If any of the above files are missing in a distribution, then the
distribution is illegal and should be destroyed immediately.

System Requirements

                             SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS

You will need the following to run F1GP-SaveEd:-

· Any Amiga (or PC/Mac running an Amiga Emulator)

· Keyboard

· A mouse

You will of course need a copy of Formula One Grand Prix to create the Save
Files in the first place!

This program has been tested on the following systems:-

 Type        Chip Ram    Fast Ram    Extras

 A1200       2Mb         0Mb         External 3.5" Amitek disk-drive
 A600        1Mb         1Mb         2.5" IDE Hard Disk
 A600        1Mb         0Mb



                            Load an F1GP Saved Game 
                            Save an F1GP Saved Game 

                                Edit Season Data    
                                Edit Driver Data    
                                 Edit Team Data     
                                 Edit Race Data     

                             Edit Standard Options  
                                Edit Car Setups     


Usage : Load an F1GP Saved Game

                           LOAD AN F1GP SAVED GAME


This option allows you to load in an F1GP saved game file.  You can load in
any type of F1GP saved game files.  These are either 3570 or 32852 bytes in
length.  This option and Exit will be the only two highlighted when you
first load in the program.

What you will see

Once you have selected this option, a file requester will appear with a
column of buttons to the right, and a list of files to the left in a black


The File Requester will have the following buttons:-


Clicking on this will display a list of all inserted disks, and assigns made
in the black window to the left of the button bank.


Clicking on this will display a list of all connected drives, as will as
mounted drives in the black window to the left of the button bank.


Clicking on this will take you to the previous directory on the currently
scanned disk.


Clicking on this will abort the operation.


Clicking on this will load in the selected file.

Get Dir

Clicking on this will reload the current directory that you are looking at.

You can select the filename by clicking on it in the black window to the

Usage : Save an F1GP Saved Game

                           SAVE AN F1GP SAVED GAME


This will save the data back to disk.  Be sure to keep a backup of the
original saved game just in case you change your mind about some of the
changes you made.

What you will see

Once you have selected this option, a file requester will appear with a
column of buttons to the right, and a list of files to the left in a black


The File Requester will have the following buttons:-


Clicking on this will display a list of all inserted disks, and assigns made
in the black window to the left of the button bank.


Clicking on this will display a list of all connected drives, as will as
mounted drives in the black window to the left of the button bank.


Clicking on this will take you to the previous directory on the currently
scanned disk.


Clicking on this will abort the operation.


Clicking on this will save the file with the selected filename.

Get Dir

Clicking on this will reload the current directory that you are looking at.

You can select the filename by clicking on it in the black window to the

Usage : Edit Season Data

                              EDIT SEASON DATA


This section allows you to edit the result of every grand prix run so far,
and even the results of races not yet run.

What you will see

You will see a screen which has a window to the left displaying all of the
races in the calender.  You will notice that one of them will be highlighted
with a coloured bar round it.  This is the currently selected race.  Another
race will have its name in a different colour to the rest, which means that
it is the next race to be run in the calender.

Below this is a column of buttons used to preform certain tasks on the
Season data.  Below this you will see a window labelled Non-Finishers, which
as the name suggests lists all the drivers which didn't finish the race, or
maybe didn't even start it.

To the right of these windows will be result of the race that is


Choose a race by clicking on its name with the left mouse-button.  The
results of the race will appear on the right.

Highlight a driver by clicking on their name, again with the left

You can preform the following tasks on each result by clicking on the
following buttons:-


This will scroll the data to display the first 26 positions


This will scroll the data to display positions 26-40.

Move Up

This will move the currently selected driver up the results list.

Move Down

This will move the currently selected driver down the results list.

Set as Next Race

Clicking on this button will set the currently highlighted race as the next
race to be run.  The name of the race will then change colour once

Add Driver

This will add the selected driver in the Non-Finishers window to the race in
the highlighted position in the results list on the right.  Please note that
it will replace the currently highlighted driver (if there is one), who will
then become a non-finisher.

You can scroll through the non-finishers by using the < and > buttons to
scroll left and right respectively.

Del. Driver

This will delete the currently selected driver in the results list, and make
them a non-finisher.

Main Menu

This will take you back to the Main Menu screen.

Usage : Edit Driver Data

                              EDIT DRIVER DATA


This option allows you to change driver details such as their name, and
whether they are human or computer controlled.

What you will see

To the left will be a column of buttons used to edit the driver data.  To
the right will be a list of all drivers that have been assigned to a team.
The number next to their name is the number of their car.  All human drivers
will be highlighted in a different coloured text to the computer drivers.


You can highlight a driver by clicking on their name with the left-mouse

You can preform the following tasks on each driver:-

Toggle Human/Computer

This option will select whether the driver will be human controlled or
computer controlled.

Rename Driver

This option will allow you to change the name of the currently selected
driver.  Note that names can only have a maximum of 24 characters.

Main Menu

This will take you back to the Main Menu.

Usage : Edit Team Data

                               EDIT TEAM DATA


This option allows you to edit the name of each team, the engine names, and
also the driver that drives for each team.

What you will see

To the left will be a window listing the name of every team.  Below this
window will be a column of buttons which you can use to edit the data.  To
the right of both of these are the Engine, and Driver windows.  The Engine
window simply displays the name of the currently selected team's engine. The
Driver windows displays the name of the driver or drivers which drive for
this team.


You can highlight a team by clicking on their name.

You can preform the following tasks on each team:-

Edit Team Name

Clicking on this will allow you to change the name of the Team.  Note that
the Team name can only have a maximum of 13 characters.

Edit Engine Name

Clicking on this button will allow you to change the name of the engine.
Note that the name can only be a maximum of 13 characters.

< and >

Clicking on these will scroll left and right respectively through the
different drivers in the box in which it is situated in.  If you do not want
a driver for that particular seat for that team, scroll through the names
until it says No Driver.  This can be found between drivers 40 and 1.

Main Menu

Clicking on this will take you back to the Main Menu.

Usage : Edit Race Data

                               EDIT RACE DATA


This option allows you to edit certain in-race details, such as laptimes,
the  amount of qualifying tyres used, and the session types.

What you will see

The upper-left box displays the laptime and tyre details of every driver.
The box immediately below this displays the race details.  The button box in
the upper-right area of the screen allows you to manipulate the driver


The information can be editted as follows:-

 Driver Details

Clicking on the < and > buttons will scroll through the different drivers.

 Edit Laptime

This option will allow you to enter a new laptime for the currently selected
driver.  It must be entered in the mm:ss.sss format (i.e.  1:26.819),
otherwise the time won't be allowed.  Pressing Return without typing
anything will cancel it.

 Edit Tyres Used

This option will allow you to change the amount of qualifying tyres used by
the driver.  Usually, you can't use more than 4 sets, but a cheat installed
by F1GP-Ed will allow you to use more, hence the option to enter upto 9 sets
used.  Simply type in the number of tyres used (between 0 and 9), and press
Return.  Pressing Return without entering anything will cancel this option.

 Race Details

 Session Type

Clicking on this button will allow you to cycle through the different
available sessions.

 Race Type

This option allows you to select whether the race is part of a championship
season, or just a non-championship race.

Usage : Edit Standard Options

                            EDIT STANDARD OPTIONS


This option will allow you to edit the options that have been set in the
Race Options menu, and the Help Options menu.

What you will see

The top window has three sliders, which can be used to edit the lengths of
the Practice, Qualifying and Race sessions.  Below it is another window
where you can edit various race details.  Below this is a third window which
has all the Help Options.


Slider bars can be moved by dragging the black blob in the bar to the
required value.  Clicking either side of the blob in the bar, will move the
blob one value to the left or right respectively.

You can change the following details:-

Practice Length

You can use this slider to adjust the length of the practice sessions in
minutes.  The range is from 5-120 minutes.

Qualifying Length

You can use this slider to adjust the length of the qualifying session in
minutes.  The range is from 15-120 minutes.

Race Length

You can use this slider to adjust the length of the race in percentages. The
range is from 10%-100%

Opposition Standard

Clicking on this will scroll through the possible options for the Opposition

Opposition Spread

Clicking on this will scroll through the possible options for the Opposition

Seperate Car Setups

Clicking on this will toggle between having different or same
Qualifying/Race setups.


Clicking on this will alternate between Mph or Kph.

Main Menu

Clicking on this button will return you to the Main Menu.

Usage : Edit Car Setups

                               EDIT CAR SETUPS


This option will allow you to edit the Qualifying and Race Car Setups for
every track.  Everything from Wing settings to Gear Ratios can be altered.

What you will see

A window on the left-hand side of the screen displays a list of every track
on the calander.  Below this is a row of buttons.  To the right of this is
the main window which holds slider bars to adjust Front and Rear Wing
settings, Brake Balance, Tyre Compound and the Gear Ratios.


You can highlight a track by clicking on it's name using the left

Slider bars can be moved by dragging the black blob in the bar to the
required value.  Clicking either side of the blob in the bar, will move the
blob one value to the left or right respectively.

You can change the following settings:-

Front Wing

Use this slider bar to adjust the Front Wing setting.  The range is from

Rear Wing

Use this slider bar to adjust the Rear Wing setting.  The range is from

Brake Balance

Use this slider bar to adjust the Brake Balance setting.  The range is from
-32 - 32.

Tyre Compound

Clicking on this will cycle through all the possible tyre settings.

Gear Ratios

USe these sliders to adjust the Gear Ratios of the car.  Please note that
gear ratio values can't be smaller than the previous gear, or larger than
the following gear.  The range is from 18 to 80

Qualify/Race Setup

Clicking on this button will cycle though either Qualifying or Race Setup

Main Menu

Clicking on this will return you to the Main Menu.

Usage : Exit


Keyboard Shortcut : F6


This option will take you back to Workbench/AmigaDOS.

What you will see



Simply click on it, and F1GP-SaveEd will be quitted.

The Depth Gadget

                              THE DEPTH GADGET

The depth gadget can be found on the top right hand side of the screen, on
the title-bar.  Clicking on this will take you back to the Workbench screen.
To return back to F1GP-SaveEd, hold down the Left-Amiga key, and whilst
holding it down, tap the letter A key.

You could use the depth gadget if you want to read this guide file and use
the program at the same time.  You can flip in between the two quite easily.



Everything in the program has been written by Mario Sarno, including this
AmigaGuide file, and the Startup-sequence file.  Please read the Copyrights
section for more information.

The following program has been included on this disk:-

CheckSys        - Imdad Shah



F1GP-Ed is an excellent utility that will allow you to customize your copy
of F1GP to beyond recognition.  You can change virtually every aspect of the
game.  For instance, in my copy, I have changed the data to the 1997 season
data instead of the original 1991 season data.  The Cars now go much faster.
You can change the colours of the cars, the drivers' helmets and even the
pit engineer's clothes!

The cockpit graphics can be completely changed.  Everything down to the
positions of all of the different lights, and even the start lights at the
start of the race can be changed.  I have changed mine to show five red
lights that then go out, just like in real life.

You can also change the background pictures.  I now have photo quality
pictures in the background instead of the cartoony ones of the original.

Anyway, enough selling.  You can get a hold of F1GP-Ed from the author,
Oliver Roberts at the following website:-

or write to him at:-

 Oliver Roberts
 30 Tillett Road
 NR3 4BJ

The registration fee is £6, and is worth every penny.  I wouldn't dream of
using F1GP without F1GP-Ed.



Here is a list of things I strive to have put into the next version of

· Localise the program - This shouldn't be too difficult to do.  The only
                         tricky thing is writing the catalogs...

· Convert Save Games   - I want to be able to convert mid-race save games
                         to end-of-race save games.  This is quite easy,
                         and so should be in the next version of

· Select Wet/Dry Race  - Somewhere in the save game is a variable which
                         determines whether the session is wet or dry.
                         As soon as I find it, this function will be

· F1GP-style GUI       - I will try to get the program looking as much as
                         like F1GP as possible.  Pictures can also be
                         displayed in the background.

If you can think of other ways of improving F1GP-SaveEd, then don't hesitate
to write to me and suggest it.  You can find my address in the
About The Author section of the program.

Bug Reports

                                 BUG REPORTS

If you find any bugs, spelling errors in the program or this Documentation,
then inform me where the bug/spelling mistake takes place, and what you were
doing at the time, and I will try to fix it.

If you would like to see new features added to the program, then don't
hesitate to tell me!!

My address can be found in the About the Author section.

About the Author

                              ABOUT THE AUTHOR

I am 17 years old, and am currently studying for my A-Levels at St. Francis
of Assisi School in Walsall.  I am half Spanish, half Italian, hence the
name.  My address, should you wish to contact me is:-

 Mario Sarno
 26 Carnoustie,
 B77 4NN

I regrettably don't have an Email address as yet, but maybe in a year or



You can get the latest version of F1GP-SaveEd from several sources. They

The Amiga Formula One Website

This is an excellent website full of everything that Amiga F1 fans could
possibly want.  It is run by Oliver Roberts, the programmer of F1GP-Ed.  You
can also pick up latest versions of other F1GP utilities on this site also.
The address is:-


You can get F1GP-SaveEd at the following location on the Aminet:-


F1GP Accessories Disk

This is a disk jam-packed full of useful F1GP utilities, and is perfect if
you don't have Internet access.  You can get this disk from Oliver Roberts

 Oliver Roberts
 30 Tillett Road
 NR3 4BJ

Remember to send him a blank floppy disk and an SAE.

Direct from the Author

You can get the latest version of F1GP-SaveEd direct from me.  This is the
best way to ensure you are getting the latest version, because it could take
a few days for the sources above to get the latest version, whereas I
obviously always have the latest version straight away!!

Be sure to send me a blank disk, and an SAE.  You could send me a £1 coin if
you don't have any disks, but make sure you sellotape it to a piece of card,
otherwise it may go missing in the post!  Please do not send me any cheques
at all.

You can find my address in the About The Author section of this guide file.



· The program ("F1GP-SaveEd") and its documentation ("")
  is copyright © 1997 Mario Sarno

· The program ("F1GP-SaveEd") is FreeWare.  It may be copied and
  distributed as long as these rules, and the distribution details as laid
  out in the Distribution section of this documentation are adhered to.

· The program ("F1GP-SaveEd") is used at the owner's risk.  No
  responsibilty is taken by the author if the program or its documentation
  ("") causes any malfunction in any hardware or software



    1.   About the Author    
    2.   Bug Reports         
    3.   Copyrights          
    4.   Credits             
    5.   Disclaimer          
    6.   Distribution        
    7.   F1GP-Ed             
    8.   Future              
    10.  Introduction        
    11.  Main Menu           
    12.  System Requirements 
    13.  The Depth Gadget    
    14.  Updates             
    15.  Usage               
        15.1.  Load an F1GP Saved Game 
        15.2.  Save an F1GP Saved Game 
        15.3.  Edit Season Data        
        15.4.  Edit Driver Data        
        15.5.  Edit Team Data          
        15.6.  Edit Race Data          
        15.7.  Edit Standard Options   
        15.8.  Edit Car Setups         
        15.9.  Exit                    

Converted on 01 Mar 1998 with RexxDoesAmigaGuide2HTML 2.1 by Michael Ranner.