New Storm/ArtEffect Mailing Lists
Due to permenant problems with the old lists we have arranged new ones at our new provider. These ones will be
much better ;-) But all people have to re-subscribe because we can not get your name form the old list as it is
down since a week: Subscribe
28-Feb-98: PlugIn for Digital Camera
There is a free PlugIn to load pictures from KODAC DC20 camera into ArtEffect 2.5. Download
12-Dec-97: ArtEffect 2.5.1 Patches
You will now find the latest patches for AE 2.1.5 (AE2_Patch3.lha) and 2.5 (AE2_Patch4.lha) on our ftp
server. Please don't forget to install the AE251_AddOns too, that are in the archive! Download
10-Nov-97: New low-cost tablet from Wacom!
PenPartner from Wacom ist a small and inexpensive new graphics tablet for the Amiga. Info
20-Oct-97: New lessons for the AE workshop
Robert Deryck, did two more lessons on tips for ArtEffect. Enjoy! Start!
25-Sept-97: 1st interactive workshop for ArtEffect
We are proud to present -world exclusive- the first interactive workshop for ArtEffect in the Intenet.
The author Robert Deryck did this for his pedagogy studies. Start!
07-Sept-97: Here are the new Patches for ArtEffect 2.1.5. There is also a new driver
for TurboPrint 5. Support
24-Jul-97: New ArtEffect Mailing List
09-Jul-97: New PowerEffects for ArtEffect

Nine (9) sensationell new Effects are in PowerEffects 2. Besides FishEye, Patchwork, FalseColor,
Pointize, HalfTone and Crystalize, the highlight are certainly: Lightning and LensFlares.
The author of this Plug-In is Simon Brett Edwards who is well-known for his graphics program
Image Engineer.
Here are 19 exploding examples. ATTENTION: heavy graphics !!!
01-Jul-97: ArtEffect now officially supports PNG. Link