Locale Dealers |
Look for your local dealer. |
Direct Order |
Choose on of the following methods: |
Send us a written order by mail, fax or e-mail. |
Enclose a Eurocheck in German Marks (DM). |
Transfer the amount to our Bank Account at
Frankfurter Sparkasse 1822, Swift-Code: FRASDEFF, Account: 71902. |
Personal Cheque in DM. Add 30 DM if you are using Personal Cheque because the
bank charges us this fee for cashing the cheque. |
or send, fax, e-mail us your Visa/Master/Eurocard information (name, type of credit
card, credit card number and expiry date).   |
Shipping Costs |
Please add this to your bill: |
30 DM for shipping outside Europe!
20 DM for shipping within Europe! |