What kind of software will work with Picasso96?

All programs that handle their graphics using standard system calls and do not modify the graphics memory directly bypassing the operating system.

Direct software support for applications is available in the Picasso96 distribution namely for:

Further modules are being developed. Most programs using the CyberGraphX API or the vilintuisup.library work with Picasso96, too, e.g. CyberWindow.

The number of applications that directly support Picasso96 is constantly growing:

If you are an application programmer who wants his application to show up here then please tell me to do so!

An incomplete list of Picasso96 compatible graphics applications

Name Description Link
aMiPEG MPEG player for Amiga, supports PicassoIV PIP download aMiPEG1.1
AVId AVI player for Amiga download AVId
PIV-AVId special version of AVId for the PicassoIV PIP download PIV-AVId
MaVI Commercial multi format animation displayer Web site
Please tell me candidates to add to this list!
tabt, February 25th, 1998