Liana + EnvoyLiana + Envoy

Liana is a simple but powerfull peer-to-peer network for connecting two Amiga computers directly. Liana works with all Amiga models, starting with the low end A500 up to the high end A4000 Tower. The only hardware requirement is a parallel port into which the Liana cable can be plugged. Beside the internal parallel port of an Amiga, Liana also supports the Vector Connection Multi-IO card. The Liana network driver is completely SANA-II compatible. SANA-II means Standard Amiga Networking Architecture, and is a standard software interface for netwwork protocols of the Amiga. Therefore all networking packages using SANA-II will work with Liana at once (e.g. AmiTCP or Envoy). Liana is supplied complete with the networking package Envoy which offers FileSystem import and export, network printing and multi-user support together with an easy installtion and configuration procedure. The goals during the development of Envoy were user friendliness and full integration into the normal Amiga system. Both have been achieved so it will possibly become the native Amiga networking package in the future.



Last updated: 09th October 1997
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Webdesign © by Jens Langner