Village Tronic Village Tronic GmbH -
Wellweg 95
D-31157 Sarstedt
Tel. ++49/(0)5066/7013-0
Fax. ++49/(0)5066/7013-49

Village Tronic is an electronic manufacturer company with more than ten years of experience in this environment. We let our successes to speak about us.

Village Tronic is world wide known as one of the best Amiga product manufacturer: our graphic boards are from the beginning the point of reference in the Amiga market. Moreover Village Tronic was the only world-wide official Amiga Operating System OS 3.1 manufacturer: every and all Amiga O.S. 3.1 upgrade kit in the World was made by us.

As anyone should know, the Amiga platform is still a point of reference for graphic and video activities and Village Tronic is now working to port all this deep knowledge and experience got during years of success with the Amiga platform to the Macintosh platform, still continuing to develop for the Amiga one.

Currently we have four different graphic boards available for the Macintosh platform and another one, better and faster then ever, will be available in a few days. All this in less than a year. Our products are getting great success world-wide and top scores on the best known international magazines. It looks like the Macintosh market will be another great success for Village Tronic!

Village Tronic Head Quarter is based in Sarstedt, near Hannover, Germany. Right now we have several offices and facilities spread over the world (U.S.A, Taiwan, UK, Italy) and other will come.

If you have any problem or question about our products please swap to our Contact adresses page.

Last updated: 09th October 1997
Copyright ©`1997 by Village Tronic GmbH
Webdesign © by Jens Langner