Technical Information about Picasso II+ GFXcard


The following picture and description will show you the functions and connectors of the PicassoII+ graphics card:


Nr.1 Zorro bus interface logic Nr.2 Graphic chip Cirrus Logic 5428
- 32bit blitter
- hardware cursor
- hardware panning support (Autoscroll)
Nr.3 2MByte 50ns DRAM Nr.4 JP301 = comp.sync.
JP302 = DPMS
Nr.5 ZorroII bus interface Nr.6 JP401 memory jumper
you can choose between
- 1MB mode
- 2MB mode
- segmented mode
Nr.7 connector for video encoder Pablo
Nr.8 autoswitch between
- graphics accelerator and
- VGA input mode
Nr.9 VGA output 15 pol. Nr.10 Amiga Video input 15 pol. from flicker fixer

Optional module:

Video Encoder Pablo module

If you want to get more detailed information please switch to the Pablo Homepage.
Last updated: 30th November 1997
Copyright ©`1997/98 by Village Tronic GmbH
Webdesign © by Jens Langner