Technical Information about Picasso IV GFXcard


The following picture and description will show you the functions and connectors of the PicassoIV graphics card:


Nr.1 S-VHS/FBAS video input Nr.2 S-VHS/FBAS video output
Nr.3 15-pin VGA output Nr.4 3,5mm Stereo audio input
Nr.5 3,5mm Stereo audio output Nr.6 Audio signal switcher
- switching between Amiga, extern, CD and AV module.
Nr.7 CD-ROM Audio input Nr.8 Internal flicker fixer
Nr.9 Connector for Pablo II video encoder Nr.10 Local PCI connector
- 3D GFX module
- PowerPC module
Nr.11 Multibridge
- Automatic Zorro II / III switching
- PCI controller
- Flash-EPROM controller
Nr.12 Graphics memory
- 4 MBytes fast 45ns EDO RAM
Nr.13 Graphics processor
- 64-bit memoryaccess
- 80MHz videofrequency
- 180MBytes/s fillspeed
- Videoscaling with interpolation
- Colorroomconverting
- 16Bit digital videoport
- Picture-in-picture
- Resol.up to 1.280 x 1.024 in 24bit
- 15,5 - 84kHz horz.freq.
- 50Hz interlaced up to 160Hz non-interlaced vert.Freq.
Nr.14 Flash-EPROM
- stores flicker fixer data
- Programmable with included software
Nr.15 Connector for Pablo II video encoder Nr.16 Flicker Fixer/Scandoubler
- Compatible to all standard Amiga resolutions (NTSC/PAL)
- Programmable refresh rate up to 160Hz
Nr.17 Connector for video module Nr.18 Connector for sound module
Nr.19 8-bit video connector Nr.20 16-bit video connector
Nr.21 Audio connector for video module Nr.22 Connector for sound module


There are many enhancements in development for the PicassoIV and some of them are allready in the selling phase. In the following text all known modules will be listed with a small notice if they are finished and will be shipped or if they just in development.

Sound module - Concierto

.... Module is finished ....

Pablo IV - Video Encoder module

.... Module is finished ....

PalomaIV - Video module

.... Module is finished soon ....

Denise Adapter for A2000/A3000

.... no shipping date known yet ....

MPEG module

.... no shipping date known yet ....

3D GFXSpeeder Module

.... still in development ....

PowerPC Module

.... still in development ....

Last updated: 30th November 1997
Copyright ©`1997/98 by Village Tronic GmbH
Webdesign © by Jens Langner