²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² ² ² ² ATR-42 ² ² (Version 2.0 - October 1993) ² ² ² ²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²²² The real plane : ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ The ATR-42 is a high wing, twin engine powered plane which can be worked on summarily fitted-up airfields. The cockpit is equipped with EFIS (Electronic Flight Instrument Systems). The commercial standard fittings allows to receive about 50 passengers. The ATR-42 is worked by 18 airlines (in 1985) such as Finnair, Command Airways, Air Littoral, Kimber Air, Air Cal‚donie, Ati (subsidiary company of Alitalia), Brit Air, Dash Air, Ransom. Characteristics: - Length : 22,67 m - Wing span : 24,57 m - Heigth : 7,59 m - Wing surface : 54,5 mý - Empty weight : 9 715 Kg - Full weight : 15 750 Kg - Maximum speed : 510 Km/h (275 kts) - Cruise ceiling : 8 250 m - Take off distance : 1 080 m - Landing distance : 960 m - Fuel load : 4 500 Kg - Cruise autonomy : 1 300 Km - Motors : 2 Pratt & Wittney turboprop. of 1 800 HP training Hamilton Standard 4 blade propellers Standard 14 SF quadripales … pas variable Bibliography: - Le Fana de l'Aviation number 185 - april 1985 - page 46 The ATR-42 for Flight Simulator 4: ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ My first ATR-42 was made in may 1993. It was a complex airplane which needed 181 pieces, with many structures. It was the reason why the plane had no decoration. It seemed that it was more judicious to sacrify the decoration rather than to botch the general appearance of the plane in saving some pieces. So, I had to omit the propellers and the lowered flaps. Flying the ATR-42 had no particularities. With lowered flaps (5ø), the plane took of at 145 kts. But, this ATR-42 without any insignia did'nt satisfy me. Moreover, I became meanwhile more experience in plane construction. I also had the advantage of some hints of J.F.Hilden. So, I decided to rework my ATR-42. However, I did'nt rework the whole plane, which was satisfying in it's outlines. I simply reworked some pieces, which then permitted to spare some pieces. These pieces could then be used for making airlines insignia, or for making some pieces which had been omitted (propellers, or lights for example). The propellers become visible by stroking the H-key with the engines running below 550 RPM. For some insignia or pieces, I used the fabulous T.C.Kopke's TOMROT (available on Compuserve). The .SIM file has been modified too. Nevertheless, it is always the result of some compromises. The behaviour of the plane is now modified. To takeoff, it is necessary to extend flaps (5-10ø), and at 135 kts, pull the stick. For approach and landing, extending flaps increases much the trail. Finally, to enhance the flying of the ATR-42, I add a .VOC file (turboprop sound ) to my plane files. To use it, you need a sound card and Mallard's "Sound, Graphics and Aircraft Update". In your FS4 directory, you have to rename the original PROP.VOC file; then copy TURBO.VOC into your FS4 directory and rename it to PROP.VOC. My ATR-42's wear the colors of six airlines : þ ATR-42 IBERIA As I finished my Baleares sceneries, I wanted to add a plane, worked by Iberia, which had to join the islands and the continent. I do'nt know if Iberia really works ATR-42's, but it may be possible. My plane is composed of 176 pieces. þ ATR-42 AIR LITTORAL A photography of Air Littoral's ATR-42 illustrated a publicity campaign of Air Littoral (october 1993). I used this illustration to make my ATR-42. It is composed of 178 pieces. þ ATR-42 BRIT AIR The Fana de l'Aviation mentions at page 56 of his june 1987 issue the composition of the Brit Air fleet. Two ATR-42's are worked by this company. On the same page, a color photography shows another Brit Air aircraft type : a Saab 340. It is the decoration of this plane which guided me for my Brit Air ATR-42. It's composed of 180 pieces. þ ATR-42 TAT TAT works an ATR-42's fleet on lines such Paris-Annecy,Paris-Chamb‚ry, Paris-Lannion, Paris-Tulle, Paris-Cherbourg, Marseille-Figari, Marseille -Toulouse, etc... (summer 1993). The TAT's ATR-42 is composed of 180 pieces. þ ATR-42 AIR GUADELOUPE To embellish the "Antilles" sceneries, distributed by Neocom, I decorated my ATR-42 with the Air Guadeloupe insignias. A color photography of this plane was published in the march 1989 issue (number 232) of the Fana de l'Aviation (page 56). The plane is composed of 180 pieces. þ ATR-42 AIR FRANCE Air France chartered, in 1986, the ATR-42 number 3, owned by Air Littoral, for it's Marseille-Milano line. A color photography of this plane figures on page 57 of the may 1986 issue (number 198) of the Fana de l'Aviation. My ATR-42 has 174 pieces. The files : ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ ATR42-IB. } ATR42-IB.SIM } ATR-42 IBERIA ATR42-IB.SC0 } ATR42-LI. } ATR42-LI.SIM } ATR-42 AIR LITTORAL ATR42-LI.SC0 } ATR42-BR. } ATR42-BR.SIM } ATR-42 BRIT AIR ATR42-BR.SC0 } ATR42-TA. } ATR42-TA.SIM } ATR-42 TAT ATR42-TA.SC0 } ATR42-GU. } ATR42-GU.SIM } ATR-42 AIR GUADELOUPE ATR42-GU.SC0 } ATR42-AF. } ATR42-AF.SIM } ATR-42 AIR FRANCE ATR42-AF.SC0 } TURBO .VOC } Sound file - Turboprop. ATR-42-E.TXT } This file ATR-42-F.TXT } This file in french AFX files are'nt include. However, I'm disposed to provide them on request. These files are provided free of charge to all FS users. They may be freely distributed as long as : þ it is only done in it's original .ZIP format and with all the original files (including this text file) included, intact and unchanged, þ these files are not being distributed as part or with other files that are being sold for profit, without the permission of the author. As you notice, my native language is'nt english, but I hope this will not reduce your pleasure to use these files. Jean-Jacques Schoepfer 25 rue de la Ville F-67115 - PLOBSHEIM FRANCE BAL 3614/3615 DP - FLSIM BAL 3614 CHEZ - FLSIM October 1993