[About The Guide]
Introduction File and Disk
ArjFile() Returns the contents of an ARJ file
ClipperPath() Returns the Clipper Path
DirChange() Changes the directory
DirCreate() Creates a directory
DirDel() Deletes a directory from disk
DirExist() Determines if a directory exists
DiskFree() Returns the free space of a disk
DiskSize() Returns the capacity of a disk
DOSPath() Returns the DOS Path
fAttributes() Returns the attributes of a file
fbClose() Closes binary files
fbCreate() Creates a binary file
fbOpen() Opens a binary file
fbRead() Reads bytes from a binary file
fbWrite() Writes to a binary file
fDate() Returns the date of a file
fDefUnit() Changes the default drive
fDel() Deletes a file from disk
fExtension() Returns the file extension
fMaxUnit() Returns the number of logic DOS drives
fName() Returns the name of a file without extension
fPath() Returns the path of a file
fRandom() Generates a random filename
FreeFiles() Returns the number of available DOS File Handles
fSearch() Searches for a string in a file
fSize() Returns the size of a file
fTime() Returns the time of a file
fUnit() Returns the drive where a file exists
GetLabel() Returns the label of a disk
IsBootAble() Determines if the current disk has a boot sector
IsFloppy() Determines if the current disk is a floppy
IsHardDisk() Determines if the current disk is a hard disk
IsNetDev() Determines if the current disk is a net disk
SetLabel() Sets the label on a disk
ZipFile() Returns the contents of a ZIP file
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Written by Dave Pearson