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 How to use FiveWin ?

   To start designing a Clipper program which uses FiveWin,
   you must include as the first line in your code the following:

   #include "FiveWin.ch"    // First line inside .PRG

   The first thing you have to do is to create a Window from inside
   your program.:

   function Main()

      local oWnd

      DEFINE WINDOW oWnd FROM 1, 1 TO 20, 60 TITLE "My program"



   When you ACTIVATE WINDOW..., FiveWin will start the program and
   you will automatically start interacting with Windows using
   the mouse and the keyboard in the same manner as you would with
   any other Windows program.

   To build your EXE, may use the file BUILD.BAT which it is included
   in the directory \FIVEWIN\EXAMPLES\:

   BUILD MyProgram    ---> will build MyProgram.EXE

   DO NOT specify the .PRG extension when calling BUILD.BAT:

   BUILD MyProgram     (Correct)
   BUILD MyProgram.prg (Incorrect)

   Before using BUILD.BAT remember to edit it and check the directories
   we have specified inside it so it will find where is Clipper located
   on your computer, and the libraries, the include files, etc...

See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson