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 Bitmaps Commands

 Creating a bitmap from      @ <nRow>, <nCol> BITMAP [ <oBmp> ] ;
 source code                    [ NAME | RESNAME | RESOURCE <cResName> ] ;
                                [ FILE | FILENAME | DISK <cBmpFile> ] ;
                                [ NOBORDER | NO BORDER ] ;
                                [ SCROLL ] ;
                                [ ADJUST ] ;
                                [ ON CLICK | ON LEFT CLICK <uLClick> ] ;
                                [ ON RIGHT CLICK <uRClick> ] ;
                                [ SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight> ] ;
                                [ OF | WINDOW | DIALOG <oWnd> ]

 Creating a bitmap from      REDEFINE BITMAP [ <oBmp> ] ;
 resources                      [ ID <nId> OF | WINDOW | DIALOG <oWnd> ] ;
                                [ SCROLL ]
                                [ ADJUST ]
                                [ RESOURCE | NAME | RESNAME <cResName> ] ;
                                [ FILE | FILENAME | DISK <cBmpFile> ]

 <nRow>, <nCol>  Coordinates on screen. They mimic text mode coordinates.

 <oBmp>          A reference to the Bitmap Object.

 <cResName>      The name of the resource bitmap, if the bitmap comes from
                 a RC or RES file, or if it comes from a DLL.

 <cBmpFile>      The name of the BMP file in case you are loading the bitmap
                 directly from a BMP file.

 <nWidth>,       The desired width and height of the bitmap.

 <oWnd>          The container window of the bitmap control.

 <nId>           Is the numeric resource identifier of the bitmap control.
                 Is has to be asigned from the resource editor.

 <cResName>      The name of the resource bitmap, if the bitmap comes from
                 an RC or RES file, or if it comes from a DLL.

 <uLClick>       An action to be performed when left clicking over the

 <uRClick>       An action to be performed when right clicking
                 over the Bitmap.


 SCROLL          To use scrollbars to scroll the bitmap into its visible
                 area. This let the user review bitmaps bigger than the size
                 of the control.

 ADJUST          To automatically adjust the size of the bitmap to its
                 whole surface.

See Also: TBitmap FiveWin.ch
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson