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 PushButton Commands

 Creating Buttons from   @ <nRow>, <nCol> BUTTON [ <oBtn> PROMPT ] <cCaption> ;
 source code                [ DEFAULT ] ;
                            [ HELP | HELPID | HELP ID <nHelpId> ] ;
                            [ OF | WINDOW | DIALOG <oWnd> ] ;
                            [ ACTION <uAction> ] ;
                            [ FONT <oFont> ] ;
                            [ SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight> ]

 Using Buttons from      REDEFINE BUTTON [ <oBtn> ] ;
 resources                  [ ID <nId> OF | WINDOW | DIALOG <oDlg> ] ;
                            [ ACTION <uAction> ] ;
                            [ HELP | HELPID | HELP ID <nHelpId> ]

 <nRow>, <nCol>  The coordinates of the button. We simulate text coordinates.

 <oBtn>          A reference to the Button Object.

 <cCaption>      The label of the Button.

 <nHelpId>       The help topic identifier of the button.

 <oWnd>          A reference to the container window of the control.

 <uAction>       The action to be performed qhen the button is pressed.

 <oFont>         A reference to the Font Object to use with the Button.

 <nWidth>,       The dimensions of the Button.


 DEFAULT         For default PushButtons: Automatically executes when
                 the user press Enter, even from other controls.

                 Use this clause only when building the Button from
                 source code. When using resources, this clause must
                 be specifies from the resource editor.

See Also: TButton FiveWin.ch
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