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 ClipBoard Commands

 Creating a ClipBoard   DEFINE CLIPBOARD <oClp> ;
 Object                    [ FORMAT TEXT | OEMTEXT | BITMAP | DIF ] ;
                           [ OF <oWnd> ]

                        ACTIVATE CLIPBOARD <oClp>

                        SET TEXT OF CLIPBOARD <oClp> ;
                           TO <cText>

                        DEACTIVATE CLIPBOARD <oClp>

                        RELEASE CLIPBOARD <oClp>

 <oClp>          A reference to the Clipboard Object.

 <oWnd>          The Window which is managing the Clipboard.

 <cText>         The Text to place at the Clipboard.


 TEXT            Normal Text.
 BITMAP          Not implmented yet.
 DIF             Not implemented yet.

See Also: Functions TClipBoard
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson