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 GETs Commands

 Creating a GET from         @ <nRow>, <nCol> GET [ <oGet> VAR ] <uVar> ;
 source code                    [ OF | WINDOW | DIALOG <oWnd> ] ;
                                [ PICTURE <cPict> ] ;
                                [ VALID   <ValidFunc> ] ;
                                [ WHEN    <WhenFunc> ] ;
                                [ COLOR   <cColor> ] ;
                                [ SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight> ]

                             @ <nRow>, <nCol> GET [ <oGet> VAR <uVar> ] ;
 For editing Memos              [ OF | WINDOW | DIALOG <oWnd> ] ;
                                [ MULTILINE | MEMO | TEXT ] ;
                                [ COLOR   <cColor> ] ;
                                [ SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight> ] ;

 Using a GET from a          REDEFINE GET [ <oGet> VAR ] <uVar> ;
 resource Dialog Box            [ ID <nId> ] ;
                                [ OF | WINDOW | DIALOG <oWnd> ] ;
                                [ HELPID | HELP ID <nHelpId> ] ;
                                [ VALID   <ValidFunc> ]       ;
                                [ PICTURE <cPict> ] ;

 For editing Memos           REDEFINE GET [ <oGet> VAR ] <uVar> ;
                               [ MULTILINE | MEMO | TEXT ] ;
                               [ ID <nId> ] ;
                               [ OF | WINDOW | DIALOG <oWnd> ] ;
                               [ HELPID | HELP ID <nHelpId> ] ;

 <nRow>, <nCol>  The coordinates of the GET. We simulate Text coordinates.

 <oGet>          A reference to the GET Object.

 <uVar>          The variable which the GET Object is manipulating.

 <oWnd>          The container Window of the GET.

 <cPict>         Typicall xBase PICTURE clause.

 <ValidFunc>     Validating expression or function. The same as in MsDos.

 <WhenFunc>      When Clause. Not available yet!

 <cColor>        The color of the GET. Not available yet!

 <nWidth>,       The dimensions in pixels of the GET.

 <nHelpId>       Help topic identifier for GETs from resources.


 MULTILINE       To use a multiple lines GET control to allow memo
 MEMO            editing.

See Also: TGet TMultiGet FiveWin.ch
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