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 SAY commands

 Defining a SAY object       @ <nRow>, <nCol> SAY [ <oSay> PROMPT ] <cText> ;
 from source code               [ OF | WINDOW | DIALOG <oWnd> ] ;
                                [ PICTURE <cPicture> ] ;
                                [ COLOR <cColor> ] ;
                                [ FONT <oFont> ] ;
                                [ CENTERED ] ;
                                [ BORDER ] ;
                                [ PIXEL ]

 <nRow>, <nCol>  The coordinates of the Say Object. We simulate Text coordinates.

 <oSay>          A reference to the Say Object.

 <cText>         The label of the Say Object.

 <oWnd>          The container dialog of the Say control.

 <cPicture>      Is the typical PICTURE clause for a SAY.

 <cColor>        Is the COLOR string for the SAY. Not available yet!

 <oFont>         Is the Object font to be used with the SAY. The Font must
                 be created previously using DEFINE FONT... .

 Redefining a SAY object     REDEFINE SAY <oSay> ;
 from resources                 [ PROMPT <cText> ] ;
                                [ ID <nId> OF | WINDOW | DIALOG <oDlg> ] ;
                                [ CENTERED ]

 <oSay>          Is a reference to the Say Object.

 <cText>         Is the caption to assign to the Say Object. Specifying it
                 let change the already text on the resource.

 <nId>           Is the numeric resource identifier of the Say Object.
                 Is has to be asigned from the resource editor.

 <oWnd>          The container dialog of the Say Object.

See Also: Class TSay
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