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What is a Class
A Class is a group of rules wich controls how the Objets get created
and what are the behaviors of those Objects.
A Class is something abstract: A collection of inmaterial rules.
An Object is something real: It is a collection of Data. An Object is
something material.
I have a chair. I can touch it. I can use it. The chair exists!
I speak about 'chairs' with someone. I don't mind what chairs. It is
a concept that exist on everybody mind. It is an abstraction of the
material world!
In computing a Class is a bunch of code -rules for creating and
managing Objects-.
In computing an Object is a bunch of Data -real information being
managed acording to its Class rules!
How we may create a Class with Clipper ?
DATA nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight
METHOD Display()
That is the header declaration. There we can see the Data that a Window
Object will have: nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight
and the behaviors a Window may perform: New() and Display()
Typically the New() behavior is called a 'CONSTRUCTOR' method as it
is the way to build a new Object!
When in our code we do:
TWindow():New( 3, 3, 20, 40 )
We are creating an Object! That Object is a special kind of ARRAY in
Clipper which have some specific Data!
That Data can have different values from one Object to another, but it will
be always the same kind of Data.
... continue on our OBJECT commercial product ...
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Written by Dave Pearson