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Class TListBox Inherits from TControl
aItems Array of Items of the List Box
bSetGet CodeBlock to associate TlistBox object to a Clipper Var.
bChanged CodeBlock that is evaluated when the object changes.
lOwnerDraw If the Object Draws itself.
nBmpSize Heihgt of bitmaps if ListBox is OwnerDraw
cFileSpec FileSpec to load bitmaps.
New Constructor from source code
ReDefine Constructor for resources
cToChar Generates a data template to build a Dialog
Init Generical initialization
Add Add a Item to the list.
Modify Modify the text of an Item.
Insert Insert a Item.
Del Deletes any Item.
GetItem Retrieves the text of any item.
Len Retrieves the lenght of the list.
Reset Empties the list.
Change Changed event handler.
FillMeasure FillMeasure event handler.
DrawItem DrawItem event handler.
GetPos Retrieves the index of the currently selected item.
See Also:
Class TControl
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Written by Dave Pearson