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 Class TWindow  Main base Class

 hWnd            Windows handle hWnd
 nOldProc        Old Window procedure when SubClassing
 bInit           Code Block to execute on initialization
 bMoved          Code Block to execute after moving the window
 bLClicked       Code Block to execute when left clicking with the mouse
 bKeyDown        Code Block to execute when pressing a key
 bPainted        Code Block to execute when painting the Window
 bRClicked       Code Block to execute when right clicking with the mouse
 bResized        Code Block to execute after resizing a Window
 cCaption        The caption of the Window
 cPS             Paint structure meanwhile painting
 nPaintCount     N. of times painting procedure has been invoqued
 hDC             Windows Device Context handle while painting
 hCursor         Windows Mouse cursor handle
 nId             Numeric identifier of the Window
 lActive         If the Window is active
 nStyle          Numeric Windows style value
 nChrHeight      Standard height for characters of the Window
 nChrWidth       Standard width for characters of the Window
 oBar            Bar Object attached to the Window
 oFont           Font Object attached to the Window
 oIcon           Icon Object attached to the Window
 oMenu           Menu Object attached to the Window
 oSysMenu        SysMenu Object attached to the Window
 oMsgBar         MsgBar Object attached to the Window
 oWnd            Window Object container of the Window
 oBrush          Brush Object attached to the Window
 nTop, nLeft     Window coordinates
 nBottom, nRight
 nClrPane        Color of the background of the Window
 nClrText        Color of the foreground of the Window
 nResult         Numerical value after last activation
 lValidating     If the Windows is in VALID process

 Create          Generic new Window Class creation
 New             Contructor method
 Activate        Activates a Window
 BeginPaint      It is automatically called before painting
 Box             Draws a Box on the Window
 Capture         Capture all the Mouse activity for the Window
 Command         Process a generic command
 Circle          Draws a circle
 cTitle          The caption of the Window
 Disable         Inhabilites the Window
 Enable          Enable Window activity
 End             End Activity
 EndPaint        Automatically called when ending painting
 GetCliRect      Returns the client window area
 GetRect         Returns the whole area
 GetDC           Returns the current device context if any or request a new one
 GetDlgCode      Return the kind of Dialog information a window requests
 HandleEvent     Generic handle event management
 HardCopy(nZoom) Makes a printout of the Window, with a certain nZoom factor
 HScroll         Horizontal scroll method dispatcher
 KeyDown         Key holding down method dispatcher
 KeyChar         Key pressed method dispatcher
 LButtonDown     Left Mouse button down dispatcher
 Line            Draws a line
 Link            Window to OOPS conversion initialization
 Minimize        Minimizes the Window
 Move            Moves the Window
 Paint           Generic painting method
 PostMsg         Post a Windows message

 Print           Prints the Window at the Printer
                 :Print( oPrint, nRow, nCol, nZoom )
                 oPrint is an already constructed Printer Object

 RButtonDown     Right mouse button down dispatcher
 Release         Destroys a Window
 ReleaseDC       Release the previous device context requested
 Refresh         Forces a Window to be repainted
 Register        Register a new Window Class
 ReSize          Changes the size of a Window
 Say             Writes text on a Window
 SayRect         Writes text with a box around
 SendMsg         Send a Windows message
 SetBrush        Changes the brush of a Window
 SetCoors        Changes the coordinates of the Window
 SetFocus        Gives the focus to a Window
 SetFont         Changes the font of a Window
 SetMenu         Changes the Menu of a Window
 SetMsg          Changes the message of the bottom of the Window
 SetPixel        Draws a pixel on the Window
 SetText         Changes the caption of the Window
 SysCommand      System Menu commands dispatcher
 UnLink          Disables Window-OOPS conexion
 VScroll         generic vertical scroll dispatcher

See Also: Window.ch
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson