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Message functions (3.1)
SysRefresh() Let Windows process its pending messages.
CallWindowProc Passes message information to a window procedure
DispatchMessage Dispatches a message to a window
GetMessage Retrieves a message from the message queue
GetMessagePos Retrieves the cursor position for the last message
GetMessageTime Retrieves the time for the last message
InSendMessage Determines whether window is processing SendMessage
PeekMessage Checks an application's message queue
PostAppMessage Posts a message to an application (task)
PostMessage Places a message in a window's message queue
PostQuitMessage Informs Windows that an application is exiting
ReplyMessage Replies to a message sent through SendMessage
SendMessage Sends a message to a window
SetMessageQueue Creates a new message queue
TranslateAccelerator Processes accelerator keys for menu commands
TranslateMDISysAccel Processes MDI keyboard accelerators
TranslateMessage Translates virtual-key messages
WaitMessage Suspends an application and yields control
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Written by Dave Pearson