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|    Objects.ch                                                 |
|                                                               |
| Clipper 5.x header file for Objects.lib  V 3.0                |
| Fecha: Abril 1994                                             |
|                                                               |
| (c) 1993-4 Francisco Pulp.n y Antonio Linares                 |

    . Dios libre al Sr. Usuario de cambiar una sola linea de
    este fichero sin haber hecho antes una copia de seguridad !

    . Please, don't touch even a single line of the following <g> !

#ifndef _OBJECTS_CH
#define _OBJECTS_CH

#define _FuncType_

#xcommand DEFAULT <Desc> [, <DescN> ]      => ;
                  __DFT__( <Desc> ) [ ; __DFT__( <DescN> ) ]

#xtranslate __DFT__( <Var> := <Dft> ) => ;
                     <Var> := BYDEFAULT <Var>, <Dft>

#xtranslate __DFT__( <Var> = <Dft> )  => ;
            __DFT__( <Var> := <Dft> )

// Una preciosa idea de Carlos Ruiz
#xtranslate BYNAME <V> [, <VN> ]     => ::<V> := <V> [; ::<VN> := <VN> ]
#xtranslate BYNAME <V> DEFAULT <Val> => ::<V> := BYDEFAULT <V>, <Val>
#xtranslate BYDEFAULT <V>, <Val>     => if( <V> == NIL, <Val>, <V> )

// Class Declaration
// =======================

// El "Ambito" (Scope) por defecto inicial es PUBLIC. Lo pone _NewClass().

#xcommand CLASS <ClsNam>   ;
            [ <from: INHERIT FROM, INHERIT, FROM, OF> <SupCls> ] ;
    => ;
          function _AsFunc_( <ClsNam> )  ;;
             static nClassH                ;;
             local Self [ := _AsFunc_( <SupCls> ) ] ;;
             if nClassH == nil          ;;
                nClassH = _NewClass( _AsStr_( <ClsNam> ), Self ) ;
                [ ; #define _sUPcLS_ _AsName_( <SupCls> ) ]

#xtranslate CREATE CLASS <*ClsHead*> =>  CLASS <ClsHead>

// Declaraciones de Variables de Instancia y de Clase.
// ===================================================

#xcommand _GEN_DATA_ <vt>, <Vrs,...> [ AS <Typ,...> ] ;
         _AddMethod( _AsStrLst_( <Vrs> ), [ _AsUppLst_( <Typ> ) ], ;
                    __SCOPE__ [ <scp> ], <vt> )

// Declaraciones de Variables de Instancia

#xcommand VAR     <*VLst*>   => _GEN_DATA_  1, <VLst>
#xcommand INSTVAR <*VLst*>   => VAR <VLst>
#xcommand DATA    <*VLst*>   => VAR <VLst>

// Declaraciones de Variables de Clase.

#xcommand CLASSVAR  <*VLst*>   => _GEN_DATA_ 2, <VLst>
#xcommand CLASSDATA <*VLst*>   => CLASSVAR <VLst>

// Declaraciones de Metodos.
// =========================

#xcommand __METHOD__ <Met> [, <MetN> ] [ <scp: PUBLIC, EXPORT, LOCAL, HIDDEN> ] [ <CONSTRUCTOR> ] => ;
   _AddMethod(\{_MetTrans_(<Met>) [,_MetTrans_(<MetN>)]\}, __SCOPE__ [ <scp> ], <.CONSTRUCTOR.>, 0 )

#xcommand _GEN_METHOD_ <Met> [,<MetN> ] [<*x*>] =>  ;
          __METHOD__  <Met> [,<MetN> ]  [<x>]

#xcommand _GEN_METHOD_ <Met> VIRTUAL [<*x*>] => __METHOD__ <Met>:_VIRTUAL_ [<x>]

#xcommand _GEN_METHOD_ <Met> SETGET [<*x*>]  => __METHOD__ <Met>:_SETGET_ [<x>]

#xcommand _GEN_METHOD_ <Met> METHOD <udf> [, <MetN> METHOD <udfN> ] [<*x*>] => ;
          __METHOD__ <Met> = <udf> [ , <MetN> = <udfN> ] [<x>]

#xcommand _GEN_METHOD_ <Met> <code: EXTERN, CFUNC, CMETHOD> <udf> [<*x*>] => ;
          EXTERNAL _AsName_( <udf> ) ;;
          _AddMethod(\{ _AsStr_(<Met>), _AsStr_( <udf> ) \}, __SCOPE__, .f., 0 )

#xcommand _GEN_METHOD_ <Met> <o: BLOCK, INLINE> <code,...> [ <scp: PUBLIC, EXPORT, LOCAL, HIDDEN> ] => ;
          _AddMethod( _BlkTrans_( <Met> <o> <code> ), __SCOPE__ [<scp>], 3 )

#xcommand MESSAGE <*cMDesc*>   => _GEN_METHOD_ <cMDesc>

// PreAmbitos
                  => <st> <x>
#xcommand EXPORT  <*x*> => __ST__ <x> PUBLIC
#xcommand HIDE    <*x*> => __ST__ <x> HIDDEN
#xcommand PROTECT <*x*> => __ST__ <x> PROTECTED

// Declaraciones de Scoping por defecto.
// =======================================
#xcommand EXPORT:     =>   _DftScope( 0 )
#xcommand PUBLIC:     =>   EXPORT:
#xcommand PROTECTED:  =>   _DftScope( 1 )
#xcommand READONLY:   =>   PROTECTED:
#xcommand LOCAL:      =>   _DftScope( 2 )
#xcommand HIDDEN:     =>   LOCAL:

// Traductores de descripciones de m.todos.

#xtranslate _MetTrans_( <Met> ) => ;
            _AsStr_( <Met> ), \{|| _AsName_( <Met> )() \}

#xtranslate _MetTrans_( <Met> = <udf> ) => ;
            _AsStr_( <Met> ), \{|| _AsName_( <udf> )() \}

#xtranslate _MetTrans_( <Met>:_VIRTUAL_ ) => ;
            _AsStr_( <Met> ), "_VIRTUAL_"

#xtranslate _MetTrans_( <Met>:_SETGET_ ) => ;
            _AsStr_( <Met> ), \{|| _AsName_( <Met> )() \}, ;
            "_" + _AsStr_( <Met> ), \{|| _AsName_( <Met> )() \}

#xtranslate _BlkTrans_( <Met> INLINE <code,...> ) => ;
            #<Met>, \{ | Self | <code> \}

#xtranslate _BlkTrans_( <Met>( [<prm,...>] ) INLINE <code,...> ) => ;
            #<Met>, \{ | Self [, <prm> ] | <code> \}

#xtranslate _BlkTrans_( <Met> BLOCK <code,...> ) => ;
            _AsStr_( <Met> ), <code>

// Traductores Gen.ricos de <Func>[ ( [ <parms,..> ] ) ]

#xtranslate _AsFunc_( <itm> ) => <itm>()
#xtranslate _AsFunc_( <itm>( [<prm,...>] ) ) =>  <itm>( [<prm>] )

#xtranslate _AsName_( <itm> ) => <itm>
#xtranslate _AsName_( <itm>( [<prm,...>] ) ) =>  <itm>

#xtranslate _AsStr_( <itm> ) => #<itm>
#xtranslate _AsStr_( <itm>( [<prm,...>] ) ) =>  #<itm>
#xtranslate _AsUpp_( <itm> ) => upper( _AsStr_( <itm> ) )

#xtranslate _AsStrLst_( <Typ> [, <TypN> ] ) => ;
            \{ _AsStr_( <Typ> ) [, _AsStr_( <TypN> ) ] \}
#xtranslate _AsUppLst_( <Typ> [, <TypN> ] ) => ;
            \{ _AsUpp_( <Typ> ) [, _AsUpp_( <TypN> ) ] \}

#xtranslate __SCOPE__                                => NIL
#xtranslate __SCOPE__ <scp: PUBLIC, EXPORT>          => 0
#xtranslate __SCOPE__ <scp: READONLY, PROTECTED>     => 1
#xtranslate __SCOPE__ <scp: LOCAL, HIDDEN>           => 2

#xtranslate :VIRTUAL => :_VIRTUAL_
#xtranslate :SETGET  => :_SETGET_

#xcommand ENDCLASS  =>                                ;
                       end                           ;;
                       return __ClassIns( nClassH )  ;;
                       #include "obendcls.ch"

#xcommand END CLASS  => ENDCLASS

// Declaraciones para el c.digo ( funci.n . procedimiento ) de los m.todos.
// ==========================================================================

#xcommand _METHOD_ <Tp: FUNCTION, PROCEDURE> <Met> [ CLASS <ClassN> ] =>;
                  _FuncType_ <Tp> <Met>  ;;
                  local Self := QSelf()

#translate METHOD <Tp: FUNCTION, PROCEDURE> <*Met*> => ;
                 _METHOD_ <Tp> <Met>

#translate METHOD <ClassN>::<*Met*>        => ;
                 _METHOD_ FUNCTION <Met>

#translate METHOD <ClassN>.<*Met*>         => ;
                 _METHOD_ FUNCTION <Met>

//   Sixtaxis Parent / Super
//   =======================

#xtranslate :Parent( <SupCls> ):<*M*> => :<SupCls>:<M>

#xtranslate :Parent:<*M*>             => :_sUPcLS_:<M>

#xtranslate Super:<*M*>               => Self:_sUPcLS_:<M>

#xtranslate :Super  => :Parent

//   Self
//  ======
#xtranslate ::      =>    Self:


#ifdef _sUPcLS_
#undef _sUPcLS_

#endif  // _OBJECTS_CH


  // Redefine el comando METHOD para la declaraci.nes de m.todos
  // en el bloque de clase.
  // Fue redefinido por el .ltimo "endclass" para declarar c.digo de m.todos.

#xcommand METHOD <*MDesc*> =>  _GEN_METHOD_ <MDesc>

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