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Class TDialog Inherits from Class TWindow
aControls Array of controls of the Dialog Box
bEnd Action to execute when ending the Dialog Box
cResName Resource Name of the Dialog
hResources Handle of the Resource where to find the Dialog
lCentered Logical value if centering the Dialog when painting
lModal Logical value if the Dialog Box is modal
lModify Logical value to allow using the Controls -not implemented-
lVbx If a Dialog Box is using VBX controls -under construction-
New Generic constructor method
Activate Starts interaction with the Dialog Box
Command Generic command dispatcher method
cToChar Produces a memory template of the Dialog Box
DefControl Generic control definition
Define Defining a Dialog Box - constructor
End( [nResult] ) Ends the Dialog Box. nResult is stored at ::nResult
FocusNext Changes the focus to the next control
GetItem( nId ) Retrieves the Handle of the control with that nID
HandleEvent Own handle Event dispatcher
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Written by Dave Pearson