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 Class TWBrowse      Inherits from TControl

 bLine           CodeBlock that retrieves an array of exprexions for
                 each column.
 bSkip           Like Clipper TBrowse:skipBlock. We provide a default fast
                 DataBase skipper.
 bGoTop          Like Clipper TBrowse:goTopBlock. We provide a default
                 DataBase bGoTop.
 bGoBottom       Like Clipper TBrowse:goBottomBlock. We provide a default
                 DataBase bGoBottom.
 bLogicLen       CodeBlock that retrieves de lenght of the Data. We
                 provide a default no filtered DataBase bLogicLen.
 nRowPos         The row who has the focus.
 nColPos         The column on we start to paint the line.
 lHitTop         Like Clipper TBrowse:hitTop.
 lHitBottom      Like Clipper TBrowse:hitBottom.
 lFocused        If this control has the Windows input focus.
 oVScroll        Object to handle the Vertical ScrollBar.
 oHScroll        Object to handle the Horizontal ScrollBar.
 aHeaders        Array of cText for the Header of each column.
 aColSizes       Array of nSize for each colunm.

 New             Constructor from source code.
 ReDefine        Constructor for resources.
 cToChar         Generates a data template to build a Dialog.
 Init            Genericall initialization.
 GoUp            Like Clipper TBrowse:up() method.
 GoDown          Like Clipper TBrowse:down() method.
 GoLeft          Like Clipper TBrowse:left() method.
 GoRight         Like Clipper TBrowse:right() method.
 GoTop           Like Clipper TBrowse:goTop() method.
 GoBottom        Like Clipper TBrowse:goBottom() method.
 HScroll         Method to handle horizontal scrollBar events.
 PageUp          Like Clipper TBrowse:pageUp() method.
 PageDown        Like Clipper TBrowse:pageDown() method.
 KeyDown         Method to handle WM_KEYDOWN events.
 KeyChar         Method to handle WM_CHAR events.
 lButtonDown     Method to handle Left button Mouse events.
 VScroll         Method to handle vertical scrollBar events.
 Skip            Moves the cursor up or down.
 DrawLine        Redraws a especific row without input focus look.
 DrawSelect      Redraws cursor row with input focus look.

See Also: TControl
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson