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 nRGB()           Returns the RGB equivalent for its components

   nRGB( <nRed>, <nGreen>, <nBlue> )  -->   <nRGBValue>

  Returns the RGB value based on its components Red, Green and Blue.

  <nRed>       Is the red component of the color. It must be a value in
               the range 0-255.

  <nGreen>     Is the green component of the color. It must be a value in
               the range 0-255.

  <nBlue>      Is the blue component of the color. It must be a value in
               the range 0-255.

  <nRGBValue>  Is a numeric (long: four bytes) representing the RGB color.
               See COLORS.CH to review the xBase RGB color table.

  We recommend that you use the pseudo-function defined in COLORS.CH RGB()
  which works in the same manner as the one defined in Microsoft Windows.h

  #translate RGB( <nRed>, <nGreen>, <nBlue> ) => ;
                ( <nRed> + ( <nGreen> * 256 ) + ( <nBlue> * 65536 ) )

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