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 GetSysColor()    Retrieves the system color element specified

    GetSysColor( <nDisplayElement> )  -->  nRGBColor

    Returns the current color of the specified display element. Display
    elements are the various parts of a Window and the Windows display
    that appears on the system screen.

 <nDisplayElement>        Specifies the display element whose color is to
                          be retrieved. This parameter can be one of the
                          following values:

         Value            # Number            Meaning

   COLOR_ACTIVEBORDER         10       Active window border.
   COLOR_ACTIVECAPTION         2       Active window title.
   COLOR_APPWORKSPACE         12       Background color of multiple
                                       document interface (MDI) applications.
   COLOR_BACKGROUND            1       Desktop.
   COLOR_BTNFACE              15       Face shading on push buttons.
   COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT         20       Selected button in a control.
   COLOR_BTNSHADOW            16       Edge shading on push buttons.
   COLOR_BTNTEXT              18       Text on push buttons.
   COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT           9       Text in title bar, size button, scroll-bar
                                       arrow button.
   COLOR_GRAYTEXT             17       Grayed (dimmed) text. This color is
                                       zero if the current display driver does
                                       not support a solid gray color.
   COLOR_HIGHLIGHT            13       Background of selected item in a
   COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT        14       Text of selected item in a control.
   COLOR_INACTIVEBORDER       11       Inactive window border.
   COLOR_INACTIVECAPTION       3       Inactive window title.
   COLOR_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT  19       Color of text in an inactive title.
   COLOR_MENU                  4       Menu background.
   COLOR_MENUTEXT              7       Text in menus.
   COLOR_SCROLLBAR             0       Scroll-bar gray area.
   COLOR_WINDOW                5       Window background.
   COLOR_WINDOWFRAME           6       Window frame.
   COLOR_WINDOWTEXT            8       Text in windows.

 The return value is a red, green, blue (RGB) color value for the specified
 display element, if the function is successful.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson