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                     FiveWin 1.6 - Evaluation Edition
                        Clipper for Windows Library

               (c) Antonio Linares & Francisco Pulp.n, 1993-4

                         Antonio Linares - Software
                     Urb. El Rosario, Avd. Rosario 34-A
                           29600 Marbella - SPAIN

                     phone voice/fax: 34 - 5 - 2834830
                           BBS: 34 - 5 - 2213374

                  CA-Clipper (c) Computer Associates Inc.
                Microsoft Windows (c) Microsoft corporation

   Antonio Linares & Francisco Pulp.n are the original authors and legal
                             owners of FiveWin.

 Disclaimers: The authors make no warranties as to the contents of this
 document or the software contained herein, and specifically  disclaim any
 warranties of merchantability or fitness for any  particular purpose. We
 will not be liable for indirect, special, consequential or other damages
 resulting from the use of this product. The authors full reserve the right
 to make changes to the specifications of this software product and contents
 of its documentation -electronically or printed- without obligation to
 notify any person or organization of such changes.

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