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FiveWin Registration Process
This Evaluation Edition of FiveWin is fully operative. In order to complete
the registration process and become a registered user of FiveWin follow
these steps:
* The following Dialog Box will appear in your applications prior to
becomming a registered user:
| FiveWin 1.6 - Product Registration Process |
| |
| User Name: ____________________________________________ |
| FiveWin LIB Path: ____________________________________________ |
| Register N.: ____________________ User Id: UNIQUEID |
| |
| +------------+ +---------------+ +------------+ |
| | Register | | Information | | Continue | |
| +------------+ +---------------+ +------------+ |
* Call your nearest Distributor and provide him your UNIQUEID User Id
identification number and your full name. Your Distributor, after
confirming your payment, will provide you with your FiveWin
Registration N..
* Type in:
User Name: Your full name
Register N.: Your Registration number
You Must specify the full path to FiveWin.lib and the name FIVEWIN.LIB
as we are going to low level manipulate the LIB file.
Then press the Register Button:
If everything is OK the following message will appear,
File correctly registered
If there was a problem, this message will appear:
Wrong password or file error
This indicates that either our low level function could not find or read
the FiveWin.lib file, or you entered the registration number incorectly, or
that there is information missing from the register dialog. Try entering
the information again.
* Now, rebuild the EXE you were testing, and you will notice that
the Register Dialog Box does not appears any more.
Don't loose your Register Number. You will need it for future upgrades
-we will upload new versions of FiveWin everywhere: BBSs, CdRoms,
Magazines, Clipper User Groups,...- or just contact your Distributor
to get them.
When you get a new upgrade of FiveWin, you will repeat this process,
but you wont have to call for a new registration number. Use the one you
were previously supplied.
When there is a major new release -version 2.0 as a example- if you
provide us your existing Registration number you will only pay for the
* Once you have registered, your Distributor will ship you a disk
with FiveWin source code, latest documentation and examples. He will also
provide you technical support. Please feel free to ask questions, share
ideas, and source code, etc. to help us better enhance FiveWin.
* When you are ready to give your customer an EXE built with FiveWin, or
if you wish to test the EXE on another computer, the EXE file you have
produced must be 'freed'.
This means you have to call a function inside FiveWin.LIB called:
Call this function from ANOTHER FiveWin EXE file FROM YOUR COMPUTER
and a Dialog Box will appear requesting the path and name of the EXE to be
'freed'. this dialog is very similar to the one you saw while registering
your product. (Note: There is a file called Register.prg in the Examples
directory which you can use for this purpose.)
Type the full path & name of your EXE and your Registration Number in the
appropriate spots. Then press 'Register' and your EXE will be ready to be
used from other computers.
Remember, you have to free your EXE by calling RegisterEXE() from ANOTHER
EXE you have already built with a REGISTERED LIB and have running on
YOUR computer.
In case you forget to 'free' the EXE, when running on a different computer,
a message will appear saying it has not been properly installed and
execution will stop.
It is a very easy system. We thank you for your cooperation.
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson